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Cage Match, Man vers Squirrel...

I Can't Sleep, The Squirrel's Will Eat Me...

Well... It started last year, the Squirrel's destroyed 80% of my Garden and the only thing I had left was the Peppers. So this year I was going to go heavy on the Peppers and less on others and see what happens. Put out 6 of my best peppers in there new 5gal pots to start hardening them off, came home and three of the six were chewed off at the base and there were dig holes in all the pots. After recycling the pot/dirt for another Pepper I found Peanuts in the very bottom on the pots. The neighbor's feed these little tree rats, so the Cage Match is on...

Bright side is they do have a lot of benefits besides keeping the Vermin out. My beds get full sun ( 14hrs ) so putting shade cloths on the top helps them out during the hottest part of the day and affords me a Kool Hardening Off Station. Plus the frame makes it easy to tie up unruly plants, so all's well that ends well...

Now I have to build 5 more of these bad boys and plum them out for easy watering...



On the first pic, right on the edge that is pointing towards us, there is a gap. I wonder how tenacious those damn squirrels and other critters are. I may build a similar rig myself.
Doc... There are 4 doors 4'x6', two each side for easy access. In that photo the door is just hanging there. There are hooks on the bottom that hold them to the frame and Ties at the top. No gap over 1/2" once locked up, nice piece of mind as they can take this Crazy Colorado Weather, Squirrel's, Fox's, Cats, Dog's, Bird's and keep ticking...
When your Nagas are ripe, you should take a couple, coat them in crunchy peanutbutter, and leave them out for the squirrels! :onfire:
origamiRN said:
When your Nagas are ripe, you should take a couple, coat them in crunchy peanutbutter, and leave them out for the squirrels! :onfire:

You'll get to watch a squirrel do some amazing back flips, flying leap kicks, the wipe the tongue dance and all kinds of other cool stuff.
Thanks for the Great input Guy's, made me laugh...

Here's the little Fat Rat Basturd finishing off last years crop...


I do have Plan "B"...

The Whisper Deluxe Pellet Gun, shoots 1000fps and makes less noise then a Beebe Gun...


Here's an Official 25' Air Gum Target that I shot at 75' just to tune her in. 25 shots, 25 Bull's Eye's, the price of produce just when up..."-)

little Fat Rat Basturd finishing off last years crop...

Sorry, I had to giggle at that pic. Caught him red handed!

Sucks about losing the crop but it looks like you've got the situation under control this year. What are those, dog enclosures?
Wow that thing is really fat! Great setup you have going though. You could probably even cover those in plastic and make a "green house" out of it when the winter comes.
Nice pellet gun Splitcane. I'm gonna check it out.

The urine thing doesn't work for me. They always run away before I can get close enough.
Boutros... You have to sneak up on them and don't let them see the rubber gloves and cup..."-)

It's a Gamo with a 10 power scope, dead nuts on...

All kidding aside, the urine probably works in most cases and is worth a try. I'm dealing with dumb city tree rats, they have no fear or brains...

Here's a Falcon checking them out...


Here's the same Falcon after it knocked off the fence this same Squirrel and came back and landed.


Here's Miss Fox leaving a free Urine Sample...


Here's when she seen the rubber gloves and cup..."-)

splitcane said:
All kidding aside, the urine probably works in most cases and is worth a try. I'm dealing with dumb city tree rats, they have no fear or brains...

Here's a Falcon checking them out...

Here's the same Falcon after it knocked off the fence this same Squirrel and came back and landed.

Hahah great shots.
I went to Lehigh University in PA. The school mascot was a mountain hawk based on the population of moutain hawks in the area. But anyway it was interseting the first time I saw a hawk flying away with a squirrel. I had to take a double take. It originally looked like I was seeing a bird with a long fluffy tail. Then I realized what it was. The smart ones ran for dear life when hawks came around. Maybe you should get yourself a hawk for a pet...