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Cage Match, Man vers Squirrel...

No cup/gloves required! Just aim and let em have it! Nice pics btw. Wish I had more foxes around.

Funny idea about the hawk. Taking up falconry to protect yer peppers.
My neighborhood has the same problem with bunnies. Got a neighbor who's flowers never get touched by them. Finally found out his secret. He pisses on them. Not sure you want to do that on your peppers though. Maybe just around them.

I've had to resort to "other measures" on the bunnies a couple of times. I use an old Crossman 760 and iron sites since the target is always within 18 yards/meters. Add in some of the new lead pellets being produced and old brer' rabbit doesn't stand a chance.
Novacastrian said:
I want a pm with shot placement pictures, shoot the crap outta those little bastards!!

That's plan "B" Nova, Let my asure everyone that no critters were harmed in the making of this thread..."-)

Like I said... There are many silver linings, the Squirrel's made me go Hydro last year and I'm still enjoying the fruits of my labor...

Made some Green Chili this weekend...

Up-Date 5/28/09

Score: Splitcane 30, Squirrel's 00..."-)

Got two more cage's build and in place, the one on the left is use to hardened the plants off. I will put my overflow into the existing raised bed as I go on and they will have to fin for them self's...




What we do round here is hire some squirrel muscle to come here and rough up the locals. This pic taken the day after the big boys came through......

Aww-- That eye looks infected.
It's funny that I was thinking all this week about installing some dog-runs in my backyard too for the very same reason.
It looks like you saved some money by using some chicken wire around them instead of expensive chain link.
How much did they cost you?