Cal-Mag...pH testing

Does anyone here NOT use Cal-Mag?  What nutes are you using?  I'm referring to indoor growing prior to plant out.
Do you test the pH of the nutes you mix up in your watering can?
Do you periodically flush your containers to get rid of salts?
I don't use calmag. 
With my starts I give an organic 3-3-2 nute (looks like black fermented goop, smells like a sweet ferment a well), fermented kelp extract, and optionally epsom salt and humic acid concentrate.
Also don't bother with PH at all.
For early-season germinating in plastic cups, I use something like FFOF that has plenty of Ca and Mg out of the bag.
For general ferts, I use the Dreaded MG Blue Crystals of Death, applied as a weak solution w. every other watering.  Of the major nutes, it lacks only Ca and Mg.
This year, established plants will go into composted green mulch ( mixed with local soil and a dash of perlite or coir.  The local soil is nothing if not loaded with Calcium.  An occasional dash of epsom salt should provide all the Mg needed.
If I did need a CalMag fert, I'd go to Fleabay and buy a few small envelopes of Ca and Mg nitrate (or chloride or acetate or gluconate or... )  and mix my own for a tiny fraction of the outrageous price charged for any of the Ca/Mg products found at the local hydro store.
Yea, I flush, but only when it's warm, and only when the plants are big enough to pull much of excess water out of the soil fairly quickly.  I tried a cool weather flush earlier this year (Some idiot mixed too much moo poo in the soil) that nearly killed several plants.
Never done a PH, although it might not be a bad idea.
Roguejim said:
Does anyone here NOT use Cal-Mag?  What nutes are you using?  I'm referring to indoor growing prior to plant out.
Do you test the pH of the nutes you mix up in your watering can?
Do you periodically flush your containers to get rid of salts?
 I dont use cal-mag I use dolomite lime with Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro. But that's only if its a variety that needs extra cal/mag. If its a familiar strain I know will need extra I mix it into the Pro-Mix prior to potting. Otherwise I usually just sprinkle it on top and water it in. If I think I have a pH problem I mix 1 cup of dolomite lime with a gallon of water and thoroughly wet all the soil in that container with it. I can usually remake that gallon several times because the cup of lime doesnt totally dissolve.

I never test pH.
I don't use Cal-Mag. I use Smokemaster's witches brew. About an inch of dolomite lime in the bottom of something like a jumbo sour cream container (I use a big square tub that had store bought potato salad in it) and then about 2 inches of 5% white vinegar (regular store bought). It will fizz and foam so make sure your container is big enough. Stir it up good and then let it sit overnight. In the morning I give it one more stir and let it settle again. You can then pour of the liquid (this is the part you keep). I use a big turkey baster to remove it. Use it 2-3 Tbsp per gallon of water. Basically making calcium acetate. Here is the thread
It seemed to work well for me last year. I had zero issues with BER on my peppers and tomatoes in containers. The year before I didn't use calcium on my tomatoes and had a lot of loss due to BER.
Other than that I'm just using liquid fish and kelp until they go outside. Then half will continue with fish/kelp and the others will get the new Dyna-Gro Grow. Going to do half organic and half chem ferts to see if there's a difference.
I don't use cal/mag. I rely on my nutrient line to provide it. I also test pH for everything that goes into the pot. 6.4 is the norm.
No Cal-Mag here either.  I start seeds in 72 cell starter trays with Happy Frog.  I then pot up to 1 quart root pouches with more Happy Frog.  That lasts me until plant out.  No need to feed nutrients at all.  Now I will say that this year I did have to give the babies in the 72 cell inserts a light dose of a nitrogen fert because they didn't seem to be taking to the Happy Frog for some reason.  Once I did that, then potted them up, they took off.
I didn't see the part about prior to plant out. I only use liquid fish and kelp at half strength til plant out. The witches brew is used only when they go outside and only if in containers.