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Calcium deficiency , How to add it

I noticed my plants are wrinckly and are in Calcium deficiency, I have CalCarb by Xtreme Gardening, but the instructions says to do a foliar spray but can I add it as a Soil Drench
If I'm not mistaken, foliar spraying will get you quicker results than adding to the soil, as long as the leaves are not too damaged.

about 3.5 grams per gallon of water will yield around 300mg/l of calcium.
water it into the soil.
are you sure its deficient? there could be something going on in the soil that is causing Ca to be lock out from uptake. just saying. and lots of my leaves get wrinkly from time to time and i jsut let them be as they keep growing and pushing fruit, could be a case of the over worrier!
Foliar feeding is perfectly safe as long as you use 1/2 the normal mixture or slightly below and mist the leaves with distilled water the next day to clean the stomata.
It is all about your grow medium. If/your/using/rich/potting/soil/then/you/should/not need fertilizer or additives. Now if your growing in a soilless hydroponic grow media with no nutrients.
