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Can someone help identify this pepper?

Bought some at the store today and they werent named. If I see mystery peppers Ill grab a few to try. These peppers are kind of sweet with just a little bit heat but not much.

Pictured beside a Jalapeno for reference.
I dont think it looks like a cascadura chile, a tad different. fresnos are sold all over in the USA often. & most times just label hot pepper or red pepper (or chile instead of pepper)
chilehunter I think thats it. I looked up some images of it and it lookes like the Fresno to me also. Its says between 2500-8000 Scoville and that seems about right because these arent really hot at all.
chilehunter said:
its ok, maybe you could identify what strains these are instead ? :lol:
Silver Pearl, Hash, Northern Lights, Purple Haze, First Lady, Skunk, Shiva, Big Pearl and some Silver Pearl cross. ;)
omri - :lol: I have no clue to the strains, I was just horsing around with quebecfire. but still funny you rattled some names off :lol:

I was planning on deleting my post w/pic but you had to quote me, so basically it cant be done now.
chilehunter said:
omri - :lol: I have no clue to the strains, I was just horsing around with quebecfire. but still funny you rattled some names off :lol:

I was planning on deleting my post w/pic but you had to quote me, so basically it cant be done now.
I wasn't just "rattling" names, I named the "plants" you showed. ;)
BTW I removed the pic.
I think fresno's are better than jalapenos, even serranos are better than jalapenos. but thats just my tastebuds & my opinion, to each their own.