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Can this thing be for real?

I was pulling court room duty one day for family court and there was a hearing where a brother and sister were fighting over the custody of their child. It happens...probably way more often than anyone wants to know.
Imagine that argument over borrowing the car when the kid is 16.

Kid - "Can I borrow the car?"
Father - "No."
Kid - "Why not?"
Father - "Because I said so."
Kid - "Well, I am your uncle and I need to borrow the car."
Father - "Oh yeah, well I am your father and I said no."
I'm calling bullshit.
Not that it doesn't happen and not that people aren't really that twisted (they definitely are) but this particular story has bat boy written all over it.
Hinky said:
I'm calling bullshit.
Not that it doesn't happen and not that people aren't really that twisted (they definitely are) but this particular story has bat boy written all over it.

That was I was thinking. From gawker.com: "This is leaving aside the question of why on earth they agreed to be profiled by an antipodean lifestyle magazine when they are apparently from the U.S.—one of many things that makes the story smell a little fishy. OK, very fishy"