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Can you get sicK?

see that girl is cool. they pay for their lifestyle with these pranks. Others of us it is a pretty dirty trick haha

What i like to do is get people to put money down. We got my friend to eat a habanero for 10 bucks and it was priceless. I dont bullshit people though, i let them know its going to be uncomfortable! I am hoping to get people to put down enough money for someone to eat a 7 pot or a scorpion during Bele Chere this weekend here in Asheville
never heard that Mega...

is there any documentation?
Just tasted my first Butch.
1/2 hour ago, and my face is still burning.

Tiny little slice. Whole pod? Case of Sam Adams and we'll talk.

3 at once?
I'll watch.
There is documentation for both ways actually. The national institue of health found that capsacin can be used to prevent the formation of ulcers. They also found that those living with ulcers already can have negative consequences such as internal bleeding... I know about the heart burn by experiences... no fun by the way.

I can shoot you some articles when i get home... but you can easily find them if you search the NIH online library.
What i like to do is get people to put money down. We got my friend to eat a habanero for 10 bucks and it was priceless. I dont bullshit people though, i let them know its going to be uncomfortable! I am hoping to get people to put down enough money for someone to eat a 7 pot or a scorpion during Bele Chere this weekend here in Asheville

I usually just wait for someone to see my plants. Usually they ask what kind of peppers they are. I respond with they are the hotter than the hottest thing you have ever eaten, you don't wanna try one. Then its all " well how hot can it be..." If you disregard the warnings and want to try them anyway, I have no problem laughing at you.
Everybody I know is a wuss. Most won't even try a sliver of birdseye. :lol:

One mate from work stepped up and tried a ButchT once though. Warned him sternly twice, still wanted to do it... OK, here ya go.... :D (Funny... told me using some pretty harsh words to get lost when I offered a Choc Bhut a couple weeks later. :lol:)
I usually just wait for someone to see my plants. Usually they ask what kind of peppers they are. I respond with they are the hotter than the hottest thing you have ever eaten, you don't wanna try one. Then its all " well how hot can it be..." If you disregard the warnings and want to try them anyway, I have no problem laughing at you.

I've mentioned it before, but one of my best friends ate a Red Savina Habanero burger at the Prince of Wales in San Mateo, CA - thick Savina paste smeared liberally on the bun on both sides. Yeesh. He got to the last bite, and had a small "reversal" as they say in the competitive eating world. He did not finish that last bite (and thus did not get the t-shirt or plaque) and instead his prize was going home, curling up in the fetal position and riding out the agonizing pain as he sweat and drooled for literally hours afterwards. He said the terlet experience the next morning was horrifically painful.

He did not die. However, he wished for death several times that evening.

That said, tonight with a group of 8 I broke out one of the 7-pot Jonahs from Judy and 6/8 people wanted to try it, AFTER my friend & I both said it was extremely hot - 3 girls too. One girl went back for 2nds, then 3rds, and along with me chopped up the rest of the pod and sprinkled it on our homemade pizza. Once you get past the burn it's a really tasty pepper - the tip of the tongue is a bit brutal though.

Of course, there's no comparing that "safe and sane" superhot experience with the burger - that was just dumb. I would gladly eat another slice of pizza with 1/3 of a Jonah on it again. That was yummy.
I have given a taste of a Naga to over 500 people and when I say taste I mean that I cut a pod into 50 to 80 tiny pieces and use a toothpick to grab one and offer it to them.

a tiny amount like that will show the heat and will not hurt you in that amount.

BUT!!!!!! when you offer a pod to a guy and he chews it twice , feels some heat and swallows you just end up with a babbling mess and puke !

ANY pepper can be eaten and enjoyed is used right, I suggest you start with a small slice and when you slice it go full lenghth not just the bottom as the heat is highest in the area that holds the seeds.
try it with soup and get a feel for the taste and heat then go up.

If you want to be a hero and eat a full pod go ahead but like the pros here say you have been warned!
curling up in the fetal position and riding out the agonizing pain as he sweat and drooled for literally hours afterwards

One word... yogurt (full fat). I swear by it!

He did not die. However, he wished for death several times that evening.

:lol: I can relate after my bad experience with extracts!

Eventually got myself in the car, somehow drove to the all-night convience store, literally crawled through the doors and to the fridge, grabbed a yogurt, ripped the bugger open and just drove my mouth straight into it. Sweet sweet sweeeeet relief! Funny as hell when I think back to it now though... especially when I wonder what the clerk must have been thinking.... :lol:

To this day, I keep a tub of yogurt in the fridge at all times just in case.
Oh that one's an oldie but goodie - and he owns a pepper farm in Hawaii. Speculation has it that it was all a puicity stunt & half of it was acting. I sure hope so because he acted like a total wussy.

I'm not saying what he ate wasn't hot, but if you own a pepper farm you should have a little tolerance. And that wasn't that big of a pod - just a piece of one. I've eaten a Bhut almost that size & reacted nothing like that. More spit & snot, less histrionics.

And a pepper grower who wanted to go to the hospital? Uh, hmmm

Like I said - it all seems a bit much, especially in light of his trying to sell his pods as the hottest in the world (he even has that domain worldshottestpepper or something for his site. Except at this point he's been passed up a few times.)

I hope it was worth it because he cost himself a lot of dignity and respect with that clip.
Do not subject yourself or an unsuspecting person to extreme levels of heat. Let them know and for your own sake build up tolerance a little at a time.

Even if you do that, lots of unanticipated negative things can happen. I've had capsaicin coming out of my sweat glands, running down in my eyes and almost wrecked driving a car because I could not keep my eyes open. I've had my stomach in a knot, drenched in cold sweat and a blood pressure fluctuation made me very faint from a large gulp of superhot sauce, the same sauce I consume every other day (I did not feel hot at all after the first two minutes).

Granted, in both cases I'd consumed more capsaicin than you'd find in 3 superhot peppers but not a level higher than I myself had consumed previously with no ill effects besides a hot mouth then eventually all appendages burning from the inside out. I've heard of people who accidentally got some pepper or juice in their wind pipe which nearly swelled shut. Having a really hot mouth for a while and/or heat related pain is the least of the concerns.
I had saved a quote from someone, and I've since forgotten who originally said it... but here goes: First you wonder if you are going to die, and then you wish you would.

until you are used to them, its a gripping, overwhelming, in your face, feeling like you have placed a glowing red coal in your mouth.

I've never sweat capsaicin. But I have had it in my eye... thats no joke either.