Goooooooo Skype! Thanks to the old advances of semi-modern technology, I had the opportunity to sort through the seeds remotely using Skype and a HD camera! I wonder if this is the first time a seed train has done this. LOL. None the less, there are some pretty good strains in there. I was quite surprised to not see any T.S. and very little in terms of 7. Not to put it down at all but they seemed like the most popular strains to go up last year. Excellent selection! Some I've never heard of. I def. put in more than I took so enjoy!
My girl has a very full day today but if she can catch a break, the package will be out today. Otherwise, I'll take it in tomorrow when I get home (about 12).
BTW, if anyone here has some T.S. or Brainstrain they would want to trade/sell/ect., please PM me.
Chooooo Chooooooo... This train's a rollin!