WOW, sounds like a jungle tomatoe plant...
But seriously, with tomatoes as large as J-D-Farmer's (3.5lbs), think of the size of the plant that must have'em. At least in my imagination, I see a TREE not a 5' tomatoe plant!
Pumpkin seeds are named (weight of the pumpkin)-(last name of grower)-(year it was grown)
example 1180 Matesa 2011
I also put some giant tomato (4.15lb)/tall sunflower (18.5 feet)/giant watermelon (116lb) in the ziploc.
All of my seeds from this years harvests are not ready. They can go in round #2 if anyone is interested.
My giant tomato plants are actually smaller than "normal" They seldom get over 5 feet and are aggresively pruned.
Aggressive pruning directs energy and nutrients and water to the pepper/vegetable instead of the plant.
I pruned my pepper plants once they got to a decent size and then pepper production really took off.
Take a look at this video/article from this passed weekends paper
YUP!Wow! You are starting early, eh?
I'd like to see some of the older seeds (2009 and less) removed. I have had less than 30% of my 4 years+ seeds germinate (mind you I am new to this).
I wouldn't mind seeing some more super hots if anyone's got em. That's what I was really hoping for this round.
Anyways, the trip was amazing! I have such a grand collection now and I cannot wait to start. I know I do not have enough room as it is to grow everything but still, I'm thrilled! When do you want to do round 2? I am thinking before the Christmas rush of parcels. I'm thinking very December or even late November. What do you think?
Hello all!
I am happy whenever ya'll wanna start it up again.
Though I won't be taking many this round (but you never know...).
As to when I am sarting my seeds...
Well, actually tonight!
I want to do 1 seed of twelve different peppers. This way, when it germinates, I do not have a whole bunch of access sprouts.
That I do not want...
My plan is to grow these twelve peppers and then clone them down, eventually having about 4-6 of each plant.
They will be ready to go out ASAP (after the last frost up here in Moosonee, whenever that happens!!!!
I have started a grow log and will try to get the pics up with explanations on what I am doing.
...OH YAH...
Never done a "Seed Train" before, but I think it went pretty well!
Just have to make sure EVERYONE is paying the same amount for shipping/handling (+/- $2). That is my only issue, and THANK YOU ALL (and once again quvbsite) for your contributions on making this happen!!!!!!
I really enjoyed the train
As others said it would be cool to see more super hot if anyone have spare seeds haha but the selection was really awesome!
Thank you everyone for this awesome train experience
I'm gonna start my germination after christmas or when I'll be finished moving back to my parents haha
I can't wait to start the season
oh! and allaKAZAAM what thechnique do you use to clone your plants? everytime I tried it failed haha and I don't have a lot of seed so not a lot of plants will be at my disposition to try my experiments mouhaha do you have any tips on the subject?
I do not think anyone would be adding to the Giants. I say throw them in with the rest and PEOPLE, do not take all. It needs to last the whole train ride.
Hey'yah Sunshine!oh! and allaKAZAAM what thechnique do you use to clone your plants? everytime I tried it failed haha and I don't have a lot of seed so not a lot of plants will be at my disposition to try my experiments mouhaha do you have any tips on the subject?