• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog 2020

2020 is underway, so it's time to start the new season's glog!  Odd times though, as I'm still harvesting stragglers from last season while the earliest of my 2020 starts are already up.  Grow areas are a bit disorganized as a result  :rolleyes:
This season's grow should be a little more balanced than last season, though I'll still have a ridiculous number of rocotos - many OW's plus a bunch of new varieties - and quite a few carry-over OW wilds, too.
A big "thanks" to all who shared seeds with me for this season.  I'm appreciative and excited to have lots of cool varieties in the mix, many of which I got to watch you grow last season and can now try myself.  I think I'm current with everyone, but if by any chance you were expecting seeds from me that may have slipped through the cracks just shoot me a PM.
As I mentioned, things aren't super organized right now, but here's a few pics anyway.
I planted a few seeds early, just because I couldn't hold off the extra few weeks without planting something.
Amarillo de Arequipa Rocoto just popped- Thanks CTB!
20200102 Amarillo de Arequipa.jpg

Ecuador Sweet Rocoto twins - and a big shout out to the two peeps who sent me seeds for these. Both sources germinated and I'm really happy to have them growing.  Disclaimer: they may look overly wet, but these just got sprayed (to avoid HH's) and it's a very porous medium.
20200103 ESRs.jpg

Put another few rocotos in to soak today.
20200104 R3S.jpg

This is a galapagoense that popped a few days back, exactly 100 days after sowing.
20200103 Galap100#2.jpg

And this pod contains Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno F1, one of a couple F1 JZ crosses I'll be growing out this season. The other is Tekne Dolmasi x JZ.
20200101 JZ x PJ #1.jpg

Finally, I got a solid recommendation on a new media mix I'll be trying out this season in a few variations. The mix is heavy in partially composted bark fines, a fir/hemlock mix as pine's hard to get locally. It's proving to be a veritable mycelium factory.  Bodes well for good symbiosis with the appropriate fungal species this year.
20200101 Fungi#1.jpg

20200103 Froot2.jpg

Heck, they're even fruiting out the drainage holes...  :)
20200101 Fungi#2.jpg

That's it for now.  Good luck to all in 2020!
PtMD989 said:
Great looking plants [emoji106]. Hopefully you can some good weather for plant out [emoji16][emoji106].
You and me, both!  The weather's supposed to be iffy this week, but it's time to just stick them in the ground whether I do it in rain and wet soil or not.  At least they shouldn't be facing the threat of super hot days right after transplant. 
I have a few very sturdy Haskorea that can't wait to stretch their toes.  They're still in solo cups with the rest of the annuum, but these guys look like they'll go crazy once they hit soil.  With them, Urfa Biber, and Aleppo I expect no shortage or great powers this season.  I'm really looking forward to comparing them all and seeing what each brings to the table.  Thanks again man!
ze_test said:
:shocked: preity plants
Can you tell me the size of the fruit from piri piri?
Hey Ze, thanks!  So, I have 2 piri piri plants and each was started early this year. They spend a good while inside, so I kept them in small containers.  The goal was to get isolated seed from the first round of production then prune and transplant them to get bigger production.  I do that with a good number of plants and - what I'm getting around to saying - is that often the pods are smaller and fewer the first round than they are later in the season when the plants reach a bigger size.  With these, I don't expect the pods will be much bigger, later, but I don't know for sure.  I do expect a bigger bushier plant though and a heck or a lot more of them.
I just measured the big green pod in the picture and it's 4cm length, 1cm diameter at the base of the pod.  I expect when the plant is full-sized the pods will likely be this size or a perhaps a bit bigger.
I'll plan to post a pic or two and comments when I harvest the pods.  Our weather is very cool though early in the season, so the heat and taste are often subdued in the early harvests.  The late harvests will probably give the best results. 
roper2008 said:
What is the PC-1 like? Wondering, just in case I need to add it to my grow list, ha, ha... I’m growing the aji Guyana too from the seed train. They are not really tall, but have a lot of pods, all still green.
Hey Roper.  I spent a good while looking for a (non-commercial) source for the "right" PC-1 and I'm hoping this is it.  I heard "the really hot one is a frutescens" but what I ultimately believed was that the "right" PC-1 is just an uncommonly hot annuum with a tendency toward more upright pods.  I got the seeds just before this season so this is my first experience with it and it appears to be annuum as I was told these would be.  For me, the plants have grown very upright and with a tenancy to put on height with looser node spacing than most.  I'm not sure if they will bush out well later, as some do, or if they're simply a type that should be planted in greater numbers and closer together to get the best production. These could be a spectacular looking plant if they got big and bushy.
I'm hoping DownRiver will hook us up with a little more info about them.  It was good to hear the favorable opinion on flavor - makes me hope I have that same variety!  I'll certainly post more after they ripen and I get to try them, but in the meantime...
Hey DownRiver!   Can you let us know a little more about your PC-1?    :)
On 6/17 I planted 4 seeds directly out of the pod from a Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno F1 I harvested.  These are the F2 generation, so I'm expecting a good degree of phenotypical variance.  In particular, my understanding is that the "A" anthocyanin gene is incompletely dominant, so from the 4 seeds I planted I'd expect "A" distribution based on a 25% chance of AA (darkest and stable), a 50% chance of A/- (medium darkness and unstable), and a 25% chance of -/- (darkness absent/stable). 
Looking at the seedlings, I see a hook that appears darker than the rest, which I'm hoping is an AA.  I haven't decided quite what to do with these - will I try to keep all, or just some - but I'm hoping to see some indication of what might come from this pairing in the early development of the plants.
I have a pretty good harvest of the F1's ahead too, as both plants are now carrying a good number of ripe pods.  Hopefully they'll give me a better indication of heat and taste in the F1 generation - as well as some good poppers :)
Not much to look at yet, but hopefully there will be down the road a bit.  
First to pop and the dark hook 
20200629 JZxPJ F2-1&2.jpg

This hook looks a little darker than the 2 sprouts do, but not as dark as the other hook.  It doesn't look as beefy as it, either.
20200629 JZxPJ F2-3&4.jpg
CaneDog said:
On 6/17 I planted 4 seeds directly out of the pod from a Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno F1 I harvested.  These are the F2 generation, so I'm expecting a good degree of phenotypical variance.  In particular, my understanding is that the "A" anthocyanin gene is incompletely dominant, so from the 4 seeds I planted I'd expect "A" distribution based on a 25% chance of AA (darkest and stable), a 50% chance of A/- (medium darkness and unstable), and a 25% chance of -/- (darkness absent/stable). 
Looking at the seedlings, I see a hook that appears darker than the rest, which I'm hoping is an AA.  I haven't decided quite what to do with these - will I try to keep all, or just some - but I'm hoping to see some indication of what might come from this pairing in the early development of the plants.
I have a pretty good harvest of the F1's ahead too, as both plants are now carrying a good number of ripe pods.  Hopefully they'll give me a better indication of heat and taste in the F1 generation - as well as some good poppers :)
Not much to look at yet, but hopefully there will be down the road a bit.  
First to pop and the dark hook 
20200629 JZxPJ F2-1&2.jpg
This hook looks a little darker than the 2 sprouts do, but not as dark as the other hook.  It doesn't look as beefy as it, either.
20200629 JZxPJ F2-3&4.jpg
Excited you went ahead and planted out the F2. Hopefully they show the phenotypes you’re looking for. Following along.

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CaneDog said:
You and me, both!  The weather's supposed to be iffy this week, but it's time to just stick them in the ground whether I do it in rain and wet soil or not.  At least they shouldn't be facing the threat of super hot days right after transplant. 
I have a few very sturdy Haskorea that can't wait to stretch their toes.  They're still in solo cups with the rest of the annuum, but these guys look like they'll go crazy once they hit soil.  With them, Urfa Biber, and Aleppo I expect no shortage or great powers this season.  I'm really looking forward to comparing them all and seeing what each brings to the table.  Thanks again man!
Hey Ze, thanks!  So, I have 2 piri piri plants and each was started early this year. They spend a good while inside, so I kept them in small containers.  The goal was to get isolated seed from the first round of production then prune and transplant them to get bigger production.  I do that with a good number of plants and - what I'm getting around to saying - is that often the pods are smaller and fewer the first round than they are later in the season when the plants reach a bigger size.  With these, I don't expect the pods will be much bigger, later, but I don't know for sure.  I do expect a bigger bushier plant though and a heck or a lot more of them.
I just measured the big green pod in the picture and it's 4cm length, 1cm diameter at the base of the pod.  I expect when the plant is full-sized the pods will likely be this size or a perhaps a bit bigger.
I'll plan to post a pic or two and comments when I harvest the pods.  Our weather is very cool though early in the season, so the heat and taste are often subdued in the early harvests.  The late harvests will probably give the best results. 
thanks and
thanks for all the information  :clap:
CaneDog said:
I'm really hoping the Guyana's a good one.  It's a very productive plant both in number and pod size and if it hits the trifecta with the taste test I'll definitely be looking to OW it.  Was happy to see you take your galapagoense to ripe pods. And you seemed to do it quite quickly!
Word is the fragilis is a mutated wild baccatum and a somewhat recent discovery.  It also takes a long time to produce - as in start very early, from what I've heard.  Mine started out quite slowly, but have been picking up momentum.  The leaves are very cool looking - as are the flowers I've seen in pictures.  Lots of round pods, though I haven't heard any reports on how they taste.  I just gave away my only couple seeds, but I expect to have a fresh batch once these eventually get around to producing.   :rolleyes:
Fingers are definitely crossed! I'll be keeping an eye on that one, and well to be honest all the other cool plants you always seem to grow  ;)
Woah the Fragilis sounds like an interesting variety, I found a picture online, and the plant with its brittle leaves and round pods are something I've never seen before. Fascinating to say the least.  :P
Here's a few of the rocotos lined up in my driveway ...
Amarillo de Arequipa - has a little wingspan to it. Still waiting for flowers on this one.
20200630 Am de Areq1K.jpg

CAP 1693 - I really like the pods on these and the structure of the plants, too.
20200630 CAP1683-1K.jpg

Ecuador Sweet Rocoto from Atlantic Pepper Company - lots of flowers and I think it's starting to set.
20200630 ESR APC1K.jpg

Ecuador Sweet Rocoto from Black Fatalii - great looking leaves and getting ready to flower.
20200630 ESR-BF1-1K.jpg

Hyperpube-X - lot's of flowers and starting to set.
20200630 Hyper-X1K.jpg

Rocoto Puno Amarillo - another with nice looking leaves.
20200630 PunoAmarillo1K.jpg
Wind took out my big chacoense and left half of it on the ground  :(
The back deck's become a wind tunnel for the SSW winds since the neighbors cut down the trees on the side of their lot.  Now it comes through unabated between houses.
20200630 Chacoense.jpg
HeatMiser said:
Oh no, sorry about the plant CD... would you consider grafting that branch back or cloning some of the growth tips?
Any other time, I might, but I have so many (too many) plants right now and too little time so I'll just let it fight on.  I liked the plant because it had great symmetry, but it's not one I was counting on for heavy production.  This guy was actually supposed to be a purple flower chacoense, but it didn't have the purple.
PaulG said:
Sorry to see half your chacoense plant on the ground. 
The part that is left will probably grow huge
and be your best plant!
Your grow is looking great, though.
Haha, right?  It happens that way a lot with them springing back with a vengeance.  :)   Grow is really making progress of late, but I need to relocate it off my deck!
podz said:
damn wind, same here now
Yeah, I remember your wind issues from last season and now I'm feeling your pain!  What a hassle.  Amazing the difference from taking out a few medium sized trees.
CaneDog said:
Maybe I'll be able to use it to launch some water balloons toward the neighbors later this summer  
A few update pics...
One of the 50/50 variegated jalapenos.  They're still in the little 9oz Solos and need to be potted up now that the heat has arrived. I think one of the coolest things about this variety is the stems.
20200626 VJalap2.jpg
Mutant Candlelight setting plenty of little pods.
Aji Guyana is setting copiously and the pods are definitely solid. I might consider an OW on this one to see if I could get an extra large plant.
Giant Yellow Rocoto x Eximium Cap 1491 F1 continues to set and set and set.  It has a tall, sturdy, upright growth profile and the pods are a decent size - not big, but big enough to be worth the effort to process.
I just potted up this outdoor fragilis.  The two indoor ones are currently bigger, but probably not for long.
OG Red Brain Strain is responding well to the recent warmer weather.  I think I'll keep it in a pot this season, giving it one more step up to a 2g or 3g nursery.
Same with the reaper.  These guys are always twitchy about too much sun/heat in the early season, but once they get established they seem to love it.  I think it's finally turned the corner.
And the galapagoense is doing well, blooming reasonably and setting pods consistently now.
I went on vacation and missed all these beautiful plants.   very nice!     so many I want to grow next year.
The darkest of the 4 TD x JZ F2 is doing something I see from time to time, but not all that often.  The cotyledons are stuck in the seed coat and the seed coat is stuck in the soil, but the sprout continues to thicken and is arching strongly.  I've tried to keep some extra moisture on it and it's starting to extract itself, but looking closely I can see that true leaves are already developing while it's still technically a helmet head.  :)  The TD x JZ F2 look like they're all going to grow fast.  One of the other sprouts already has two sets of true leaves growing, despite that the first set is still young and tiny.
This picture actually reminds me of some movie monster, I think, though I can't seem to remember which one.   :think:
20200701 TDxJZ F2 D.jpg

A total non-sequitur, here's a Grocery Store Mystery from Bhuter's original 2015 seeds he generously shared with me.  It's been a struggle from the beginning to keep this guy alive and growing, but the new growth is coming on well now and I'm finally reaching the point I can take a deep breath and assume it's growing healthily.  I planted the seeds on 4/25, it took 28 days to hook and this is day 39 since - IIRC, it's been about 10 days since transplant into a slightly larger container. 
I'll be super happy to get mature pods from this one.  It will stay inside under T5HO's for the duration.
20200701 GSM2.jpg