• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog 2020

2020 is underway, so it's time to start the new season's glog!  Odd times though, as I'm still harvesting stragglers from last season while the earliest of my 2020 starts are already up.  Grow areas are a bit disorganized as a result  :rolleyes:
This season's grow should be a little more balanced than last season, though I'll still have a ridiculous number of rocotos - many OW's plus a bunch of new varieties - and quite a few carry-over OW wilds, too.
A big "thanks" to all who shared seeds with me for this season.  I'm appreciative and excited to have lots of cool varieties in the mix, many of which I got to watch you grow last season and can now try myself.  I think I'm current with everyone, but if by any chance you were expecting seeds from me that may have slipped through the cracks just shoot me a PM.
As I mentioned, things aren't super organized right now, but here's a few pics anyway.
I planted a few seeds early, just because I couldn't hold off the extra few weeks without planting something.
Amarillo de Arequipa Rocoto just popped- Thanks CTB!
20200102 Amarillo de Arequipa.jpg

Ecuador Sweet Rocoto twins - and a big shout out to the two peeps who sent me seeds for these. Both sources germinated and I'm really happy to have them growing.  Disclaimer: they may look overly wet, but these just got sprayed (to avoid HH's) and it's a very porous medium.
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Put another few rocotos in to soak today.
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This is a galapagoense that popped a few days back, exactly 100 days after sowing.
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And this pod contains Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno F1, one of a couple F1 JZ crosses I'll be growing out this season. The other is Tekne Dolmasi x JZ.
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Finally, I got a solid recommendation on a new media mix I'll be trying out this season in a few variations. The mix is heavy in partially composted bark fines, a fir/hemlock mix as pine's hard to get locally. It's proving to be a veritable mycelium factory.  Bodes well for good symbiosis with the appropriate fungal species this year.
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Heck, they're even fruiting out the drainage holes...  :)
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That's it for now.  Good luck to all in 2020!
I set up a 4x2 table in the new space and already much of it is accounted for.  Add to that a number of new appearances and it's starting to look like things are going to get pretty tight well before I'm into starting the annuums.  The new hooks are Murupi Large Red (up in soil, now); Aji Guyana (2); Purple Thunder Mystery (1); BOC (1); SRP (2); Galapagos Habanero (1); and Eximium CAP 1491 x USDA Cardenasii.  This last one I've been really hoping for as I had only a few seeds and it hasn't been super cooperative.
New table arrangement in the nursery space
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Most Beastin'est variety from the recent rounds - Aji Amarillo PG.  4/4 in 4 days (the last 3 hooked late yesterday - one's kinda hidden)
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And these 4 reapers popped quickly in scottex so I planted them neatly, one into each corner of a 3" container.  I thought I'd been careful :rolleyes:  not sure what happened.  Interesting that 3 of these guys don't show anthocyanin in the main stem, but the 4th does.  My reaper was right next to my Yaki Blue in the raised beds last season, so I'm wondering is the purple stem guy could be Reaper x Yaki Blue.  A purple stem versus green doesn't necessary mean it crossed in my experience, but I hope it did because that one could be kinda cool.   
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It is quite a noticeable color difference, though, with not even a hint of A in the other 3.
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A little side project I've been having some fun with is this mini Kratky setup.  I took a seed that had just sprouted in scottex and wedged it into some closed cell foam in a poly port cup and stuffed it into the germinator.  It was small enough not to extend above or below the foam.  The next day I added a second sprout (both JZ x PJ F1's) and put a lid on the cup, then back in the germinator. 
Yesterday it was upgraded to a 6.5 oz beer sampler with almost full strength (75%/-) nutes.  The sprouts seem to be doing well.  They had a little trouble shedding the testas - an initial concern of mine based on the conditions - but they're clear enough that it's all good.  The roots are down in the reservoir now and both are looking healthy.  I wasn't sure how they'd respond to such a concentrated nutrient solution at such an early stage, but they seem ok with it so far.  It'll be interesting to see if they can deal with the early demands and grow quickly.
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Good to see the Purple Thunder coming up
for you, CD. I know you will do it justice! And
the Aji Amarillo looks like it wants to be a giant!
I have always had good luck with germination
with that strain. 
Funny how that reaper migrated to a different
corner. Maybe you should plant those two together!
Ee-haw, the race is on!
Edit: Missed the experiment with the closed
cell foam. Looks like it will be a success!
I somehow feel you could host a TV show on growing peppers CD, with the amount of experiments you've got going on and the photographic skills you posses. Some type of Mythbusters-like show I'm thinking... ;)

Truly a pleasure every time I stop by your glog and it's awesome seeing your grow up and running in full swing - and it's not even February yet! :dance:

Impressive those seedlings are tapping into near full strength juice, they will be huge monsters before we know it!

Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk
Hey, LPDE.  Either Mythbusters or America's Funniest Bloopers - or maybe a little of both! 
BTW, I have a few of your varieties going right now and good results so far. Several SRP have popped in rock wool as has your BOC.  I'm counting on that one big-time (and appreciate it equally big-time) as I'd like to finally get a true BOC.  Shoot, I also have your lemon and orange spice jalapenos up and a few montufar waiting to sprout.  Thanks again, man!
Not much new this morning.  The Kratky seedlings are putting out surprising root growth for barely having opened their cotyledons. Perhaps what's most surprising is how thick the main root is coming out of such small seedlings.  Also, I'm happy to say that one of PaulG's 7Pot Burgundy has made an appearance.  Neither of my other 7Pots that were planted at the same time have popped yet, 7Pot Yellow & 7Pot Chaguanas, but in their defense the seeds are from around 2011/12. 
Last, but not least, I feel vindicated after seeing that I did actually get those 4 reapers seeds into the 4 corners of the container.  I was thinking I must be crazy for a minute there, but see?  One in each corner.  No mistake there...  :rolleyes:
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The remaining seeds keep slowly popping; kinda like those last few kernels of corn.
I've have already mentioned some of these, but the more recent arrivals have included:
Wiri Wiri
Pimente de Neyde
7 Pot Burgundy
7 Pot Chaguanas
CAP 1491 x USDA Cardenasii F1 (both are sprouting, so hopefully I'll have a "safety" back-up)
CAP 1242 x CAP1491 F1 (these are highly vigorous. I'd like to get a rocopica with the brilliant orange of the 1242, but that will be a recessive trait for the F2)
CAP 217-X Yellow Hyperpube F2
Aji Guyana
Sugar Rush Peach
Bhut Orange Copenhagen
A couple of these I had to peak into the rockwool to find the hooks (cough, CAP 1491 x USDA Cardenasii F1, cough), but they're getting themselves going.
The only 2 that haven't popped within 11 days are the 7Pot Yellow (my old 7PY from c. 2011 seeds) and the Purple Flower Chacoense.
A few snapshot updates...
At 6 days since radical emergence and the original move to Kratky - http://thehotpepper.com/topic/73148-canedog-2020/?p=1668622, the stronger of the Kratky JZxPJ twins has reached the bottom of the new container.  The other one got mugged by its partially stuck seed coat, but the growth tip was never at risk and it seems ok at 7 days..
20200128 KratkyJZxPJ-W1.jpg

and something's definitely up with this "reaper."  I hope this means it hooked up with the Yaki Blue. That's what it looks like to me.
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A couple more updates...
A Yaki Blue seed has sprouted, and it's the one most connected to the hyphael network that's developed in the poly port cup.  It's definitely not mold and - as Dragonsfire mentions, above - it looks like it could be some of the good stuff.  When I plant the seed into soil I think I'll keep the hyphae intact as much as possible, perhaps even removing the other seeds and planting the coffee filter bedding as well.  And I won't inoculate with other myco.  
2020-01-28 YakiHyphael.jpg

Also, the apparent Reaper-X sprout keeps getting darker and now has a very 'Yaki Blue' look to it. It definitely has my attention and will be grown out this season.
2020-01-28 Reaper-X.jpg