• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog 2021

Well, here we go again.  The indoor offseason got away from me around the turn of the year, so I decided to shut things down and start clean with the new outdoor season. 
I dropped all the wilds, rocotos, baccatum, chinense and frutescens earlier this month and, excepting wilds, pretty much everything is up and growing.  One thing I did different this year was I didn't presoak seeds, except for a few wilds.  I checked the days-to-germinate for the first round varieties against how they did last year and, based on a quick look, it seems they were generally maybe a couple days slower, which is about what I'd expect.
Today, I transplanted all the baccatum (except Berry Amarillo) plus a few Moz Piri Piri (thanks Tybo!), which are sitting on top of the lights until they root in a bit and can go back below. 
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I'm upping my tomato game this season - or at least increasing the varieties.  Usually I just grow San Marzano and Moskvich, maybe the occasional other.  This season I'm branching out a bit more with the varieties, which include Black Krim and Opalka from Dragonsfire and a bunch from Sandia.  I figure tomatoes usually germinate easy enough, so I just stuck them in a humidome toward the back of the T5HO tent where I hope they'll be happy. 
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The other big task today was dropping all the annuum into the Coleman.  After this annuum round I'll have just a final 2 varieties I'm waiting for in the mail, then I'll be done starting peppers for the season.
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The last bit of news is I lucked out and will have access to two 10' x 40' plots at the community garden this year, which will include the better-located one that was new to me last year.  I was concerned I'd have access to only 1 this season, which would have significantly decreased my grow.  Anyhow, I'm super happy to have all that space and I'm sure I'll find a way to make it seem like not quite enough ;)
Thanks to all who contributed seeds and otherwise to my grow this year.  I hope everyone blows the doors off it this summer!
I grabbed a quick few pics of the deck peppers.
First one is one of three F3 Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno I'm growing out this season.  The first to flower was pure white, this one is colored like the F2 I selected for seeds :thumbsup: , and the other is still TBD.
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This Hidalgo Serrano has remained tiny (3" pot provides scale) despite a strong root system when I repotted it back in April - http://thehotpepper.com/topic/74667-canedog-2021/?p=1714266  Looks like it's planning to flower.  If I can get a ripe pod out of this guy I'll grow it out next year, you know, for science.
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And a Zim Piri Piri that just started producing.
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I managed to get most of community garden plot number 2 planted today and all the big "getting started" work is almost at an end.  My last couple working trips involved removing the landscape fabric to turn over the rows again, digging a couple shovels full of soil conditioner in where each planting hole aligned, and then putting up the fence.  I also dropped some cucurbit transplants (galeux d'eysines, red kuri, luxury pie, and a couple others) into compost mounds at the north end.
Today I dug compost and composted chicken manure into each hole and transplanted a handful of tomatoes and a bunch of peppers. It turns out after dedicating 10 linear feet or so at the one end to squash, I still get 3 rows of 17 with 2 feet spacing between plants and 3 feet between rows.  I'm a good few weeks later than ideal, but the transplants are in great shape and should still do well.  I'm hoping for some solid production out of this plot.
Pepper rows start after those first couple squash plantings.
I have grown the Red Kuri a few times, it never disappointed (good taste and production). Galeux d'Eysines has always been high on my list, but never seemed to make it ...  :confused:
Good luck with your plot, enjoy the open free space while you still can. That's going to be one heck of a jungle in a few weeks time :D
Plot looks great CD! Lots of sweat equity there, but plants look nice and healthy and should reward you handsomely. Ya done good!
I got out and took a few pictures now that I've moved out the transplants and have a little elbow room on the deck.
Mulato Isleño is showing signs of flowering.
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Dwarf Serrano seems about ready to bloom as well.  Not sure what to expect from the pods given how tiny this plant is.
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Jalapeño Zapotec x Purple Jalapeño F3 is setting a few pods.
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And also seems to have picked up a hitchhiker
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Pretty much all the flexuosum are now flowering and setting pods
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The Tovarii have been flowering sparsely - though one has set a couple pods already - but it looks likely they're getting ready to bust out soon.
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The first of my Cardenasii, a 3 year old plant, is starting to flower.  I'm going to to need to isolate this guy ASAP so I'm sure to get true seeds, but unfortunately I have flowering rocotos pretty much everywhere that will aggressively cross it.  I may have to move it off-site until it's set a healthy number of pods and then mark the pods
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Lastly, the five F2 CAP 1242 x CAP 1491 I'm growing out are starting to flower. I see some difference in the plants already, some having leaves more Eximium like and some more Rocoto like, so I'm really curious to see what variety there may be in flowers and pod shape, size, and color.
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I did a bunch of weeding at the community garden plot that hasn't been getting a lot of attention lately and it's looking a lot better.  The plants in this plot have had plenty of time to root in now, which is good as we're about to go into a heatwave (at least what's considered a heatwave in my location) with temps rising to 105F over the next few days and highs staying well above seasonal averages for the full 10-day forecast. I haven't fertilized anything since transplant, so I figure I'll give them a jolt of of fish-n-kelp now that I won't just be feeding the weeds.  Hopefully they can put it to good use during the warm temps.
Many of the plants still look small to me, but that's not uncommon here in June with them really laying on size during July.
Plot overview
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Rocoto bed
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Baccatum bed, with a couple Mozambique Piri Piri in the front - and greens snuck in around the perimeter for the time-being.
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Rows - peppers start after a handful of tomato plants in the front.
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And a few pic's of the home peppers...
The big USDA Cardenasii is now blooming.  I moved it inside to a southern-facing screened window on the second floor where I hope it will be safely isolated from cross-pollination.
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OW Rocopica Brown is getting ready to flower and looking very purple.
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The F2 CAP 1242 x CAP 1491 are all blooming now - good thing the Cardenasii is moved.
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And the Lanceolatum looks like it's getting ready to start flowering as well.  This guy's 3 years old now and after a big cut-back at the beginning of the season it's growing back into a good looking plant.
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More to see here than I can comment on, CD!
Everything looks great, and the garden plots will
be awesome jungles in a month or so! As always,
great pix of your unique specimens.
Hey Matt. Thanks.  Some great pics you've been posting recently in your VJ threat.  The tovarii have lots of flowers and are starting to fill in with new growth, so I'm hoping they'll be in good form soon.  How is the tovarii situations looking at your place?
Let me know if you ever publish a book with your pepper pictures  :P
Its great to see the fine detail your pictures captivates from the more rare varieties. I never had luck germinating the Cardenasii so I enjoy to see it in all its glory here. 
Also newly excited to see the Rocopica brown, what a purple flower ! 