• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

CaneDog FigGlog 2025

It's about time for a fig cuttings update. It's day 26 since I first started to rehydrate these by giving them a couple days in shot glasses to soak up some water. It's been about 3 weeks since I stuck them and got them set up in the propagation tub with some level of heat and two weeks since I got them to full heat by adding a second heat mat.

I checked on them and as yet don't see any signs of roots against the clear plastic of the 5-inch/12.7-cm containers, but I have figs! Maybe I won't need roots after all ;) More on that, below.

I bought this light off Amazon after noticing the pale first foliage on several figs and put in the propagation tub about a week ago. It's handy in that it has its own stand, is selectable for different color/kelvin presentations, and has a timer that can be set to 12/12 or a couple other settings. It's under advertised spec for wattage, which I had anticipated when buying it, but it's working very well for this application. as the light and stand fit well within the propagation tub.

Fig Mini LED

Here's a picture of a cutting with foliage and a fig. I'll need to remove the figs, but I'll have to be careful not to damage the growth node when I do it so I deferred fig removal until tonight and will see if I can locate my X-Acto knife or maybe a pair of mini scissors.
20250122 EarlyFig&Leaves.jpg

This picture shows the recovery of the early foliage, which started without any light, from pale to a healthy green once the light was added.
20250122 FigsEarlyLeaves5.jpg

This shows why I was concerned about damaging the growth nodes when removing the figs and put it off to when I'd have more time.
20250122 EarlyFig.jpg

Healthy color in leaves that developed after the light was added.
20250122 FigEarlyLeaves.jpg

And a couple more pictures, just because. As cool as I find the new foliage, I'm sure looking forward to posting some root pic's soon!
20250122 FigEarlyLeaves.jpg5.jpg

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@NJChilehead - I'm not sure which ones. I'll check tonight when I remove them and let you know.

EDIT: There were two figs on the Dan's Honey and one fig on the SL Ruby. All removed now.
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Cool. I've read about a few of those and hopefully I'll have a smith growing if the cutting roots okay.

Any that's a particular favorite?
That's a really nice collection! Based on what you're growing, I'm assuming you're in the South?
I looked up the Italian Black and it seems like it would be well-suited to the dry southwest. Sounds like an overall cool variety and perhaps a less temperamental fig than many others.

And... the good news is I have some first roots!

After just speaking to it, here's the Smith, showing roots first on the side of the cup.
20250131 SmithRoot.jpg

Top picture of the Smith
20250131 SmithTop.jpg

Mario's P showing roots first in the low corner.
20250131 Mario'sPRoots.jpg

Mario's Top
20250131 Mario'sPTop.jpg

And the Dan's Honey, with the roots showing up first on the bottom of the cup. I noticed it just peaking out of the drain hole.
20250131 Dan'sHoneyRoot.jpg

Dan's Honey Top
20250131 Dan'sHoneyTop.jpg

Anyhow, I'm stoked to see signs of root life and expect others will start coming in soon too. I'm not checking these super closely, so there could be others already and of course others could be taking root, just not visibly. I suspect once they've developed to the point of showing roots they should quickly start filling up the cups.
I looked up the Italian Black and it seems like it would be well-suited to the dry southwest. Sounds like an overall cool variety and perhaps a less temperamental fig than many others.

And... the good news is I have some first roots!

After just speaking to it, here's the Smith, showing roots first on the side of the cup.
20250131 SmithRoot.jpg

Top picture of the Smith
20250131 SmithTop.jpg

Mario's P showing roots first in the low corner.
20250131 Mario'sPRoots.jpg

Mario's Top
20250131 Mario'sPTop.jpg

And the Dan's Honey, with the roots showing up first on the bottom of the cup. I noticed it just peaking out of the drain hole.
20250131 Dan'sHoneyRoot.jpg

Dan's Honey Top
20250131 Dan'sHoneyTop.jpg

Anyhow, I'm stoked to see signs of root life and expect others will start coming in soon too. I'm not checking these super closely, so there could be others already and of course others could be taking root, just not visibly. I suspect once they've developed to the point of showing roots they should quickly start filling up the cups.


You did an amazing job if you got Smith to root this early! Smith is usually stubborn to root (in fact mine, so far, is the only one I'm not seeing roots on). You're gonna have some fig trees CaneDog!!
Correct. Gulf Coast. Long growing season but need figs w/ a closed eye because of the humidity.

Nice, I'm in NJ, Zone 7a, so I'm a little heavier on the Mt. Etnas and other types that are a bit earlier. How does Stella compare to Green Ischia in terms of taste? IIRC they're both Adriatics correct? My only Adriatic is JHA, but am rooting Green Michurinska this year, which isn't exactly an Adriatic but according to many it's close and it's very early.