• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

CaneDog FigGlog 2025

I follow the FigGlog with great interest! it's very nice to see the cuttings and the developing figs. It's funny to me that many figs have an Italian name... we've always eaten figs (when I was little I used to pull down the branches from a large black fig plant in my grandfather's garden with a hooked wooden stick) but we hadn't a naming culture as I imagine it is among modern cultivators today. We only talked about dimensions and colors... I remember a Calabrian friend who always talked about some very small, very sweet white figs (not green) that only grew in one place in the south. Unfortunately I've never tried them. The culture of seeking varieties must have had a lot of work to do in Italy and the mediterranean countries!
Anyway "i fichi sono fichi" (figs are cool), except when I was finding wasps inside 🤣
I remember a Calabrian friend who always talked about some very small, very sweet white figs (not green) that only grew in one place in the south. Unfortunately I've never tried them. The culture of seeking varieties must have had a lot of work to do in Italy and the mediterranean countries!
Anyway "i fichi sono fichi" (figs are cool), except when I was finding wasps inside 🤣

I have a Calabrian friend who has two heirloom trees, one is a big honey-flavored fig that ripens to green (greenish-yellow, really) and is white inside with a pink blush. This one is very similar to figs that circulate here in the states that are just called Fico Bianco. The other also ripens to greenish-yellow but is reddish inside and very sweet with undertones of berry. He likes the bigger one, but I think the smaller one tastes better based on my limited exposure to both.

Regarding the wasp, a little extra protein! :)
Maybe I found them: pic 1, pic 2. I called another calabrian friend of mine and his aunt used to send him those dry figs. The cultivar is "dottato", we have two DOP (Protected Designation of Origin), one in Calabria and the other one in Campania. In Calabria they are also used to flavor grappa (italian pomace brandy) :beer:
It's cool that there are so many varieties and from different origins - kind of like peppers, just a bigger resource investment to try out a new variety. It may be premature, but I've started thinking about how I might use the figs when I get a decent harvest. I hadn't thought about booze, but I suppose a fig cider would work and could be an easy small-batch preparation. Might be a while before I get a enough of a harvest to dedicate that many to a cider, though, even a small batch.
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Lots of activity on the figs lately. I think if I'd been right on top of things when the cuttings arrived I'd be a couple weeks ahead on rooting. It's been 38 days total and 26 days since I got everything set up properly to keep their heat at 76F/24.5C. I think it was under two weeks ago that I bumped their temps up to 80F/26.5C.

Overall, confirmed rooting is 8/12 and, excepting only the Kristi's, at least one of each variety has roots against the glass.
2/2 Pananas Purple.
0/1 Kristy's.
1/1 Dan's Italian Honey
1/2 Peter's Honey
1/3 Scott's Little Ruby
1/1 Smith
1/2 Mario's Pellegrino

The two pananas purple are thicker, more lignified cuttings, and show roots despite that one has no sign of activity at the nodes and the other, minimal. They're the two "sticks" toward the lower right of the first pic, below.

Here's a couple pics. Root pics wouldn't be too impressive at this point, but I can see that changes are happening reasonably rapidly. I pulled everything out today and wiped the tub clean. No issues with mold, despite the humidity.
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This is the Smith. It's one of the bigger more lignified cuttings along with the two Pananas Purple and the Kristi's. Comparing these to the thinner cuttings, the thicker cuttings seem to have developed roots sooner and foliage later. The Smith is the only thicker cutting showing any significant foliage despite that 3/4 of these have now rooted.
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Today I split up the 12 fig cuttings, leaving the 8 rooted ones in the big tote and moving the 4 that don't yet show roots into a Coleman cooler that I use for pepper germination. The cooler is smaller, but big enough to hold the 4 that are still rooting, and it holds heat a lot better than the tote. The idea is to start opening the top on the big tote progressively to harden off the rooted figs to drier and slightly cooler conditions than they've had during the initial rooting process.

Below are a few pics of what the cuttings look like now. I saw some upper development on the Kristi's, which I'm happy to see, but no roots yet.

Pete's Honey. Lots of top growth, but the roots are progressing slowly, at least what I can see of them. This guy has the least visible roots of any of them and it wasn't the most recent to show roots. Hopefully it's doing okay and it will pick up the pace of its root growth.
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Mario's Pellegrino's roots are developing faster than the Pete's Honey, but it's similarly "top-heavy" in its development.
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This SL Ruby has the best looking roots at this point and what I'm thinking is well-balanced development.
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The Smith is another that's fairly balanced, with a solid branching root on each side of the cup.
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20250208 Smith'sRoots.jpg

This Pananas Purple has nice root development, but nothing going up top yet. The other P Purple also has good root development plus an odd little shoot of growth up top. I suspect cuttings like these with their roots growth ahead of their foliage growth will be easier to harden off.
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20250208 PananasPurpleBoth.jpg
Bummer that you lost those Pr0digal, especially such established trees. The weather can really suck sometimes.

And simple sounds great. I have time for only so many premadonnas.
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A quick update on the figs front. A few days back the Kristy's UKN showed roots, so I now have a rooted cutting for each of the varieties. Today, I culled the 3 cuttings that I haven't been able to successfully propagate yet, those being an SL Ruby, a Mario's Pellegrino, and a Peter's Honey. I have 2 other SL Ruby that seem to be doing great, as well as 1 each of the Mario's and Peter's. I definitely got lucky with the draw in that I failed with duplicates only!

Here are a few quick pictures. I'm hoping to have time this weekend to take them out of the tote to document their progress and take some better pictures.

Kristy's UNK roots as of 3 days ago. BTW, I've mistakenly referred to this one a few times as "Kristi's" when it's actually "Kristy's." Apparently there's another variety named Kristi's UNK, so it's probably good to clarify.
20250217 KristyRoots.jpg

With the Kristy's transferred to the big tote now and 3 cuttings culled, I have my final lineup. The Kristy's and 2 Purple Pananas don't show much foliage yet, but they show solid root development. The rest seem to have a good balance of both root and foliage growth.
20250220 FigToteH.jpg
Bummer that you lost those Pr0digal, especially such established trees. The weather can really suck sometimes.

And simple sounds great. I have time for only so many premadonnas.
You will appreciate them. I started with cuttings like those and started getting fruits the following year. You might possibly get away with leaving yours outside over there depending on the hardiness. Make sure you think about container size and how you want to proceed for years to come. They are trees.

I no longer have the energy to chase 2 and 3 year growing projects. And housing plants for 8 months a year has become a nightmare. Let numerous endangered Solanaceae die along with these. Any winter hobby suggestions? Haha
Yep. I plan to use containers and garage them during the colder season. We're very wet here through the winter and from what I hear they should overwinter just fine in the garage without needing any supplemental lighting.

I'm the wrong person to ask. All my hobbies seem to become high maintenance :(
I had a feeling :P

What zone are you in? I am actually interested to see if you can leave hardier selections outside. There is an inground plant in my neighborhood that was brought from the Mediterranean as a cutting in the 70s and lived through some serious winters. It is basically just runners now and produces ripe fruits only after very mild winters. Many Italians in my town knock them over and bury them and then get 3 figs on a tree instead of just using containers.:crazy:

The issue with this area over the last 15 years is our winters have pushed deep into May for whatever reason. So mine are always ripening when the hurricanes and fall precipitation start and it messes with quality of the product. I think you guys have a lot of different climates over relatively small areas? Triple digit heat but areas that are marine layer or very damp also? You do well and enjoy them I am sure.
In western washington we're fairly consistent with the marine influence and high temps commonly below the 90's. We were reclassified from Zone 8b to Zone 9a not long ago, so we're somewhere in that range. Our challenge isn't so much the absolute low temperatures, but a long consistently wet and cold winter with overcast skies. We also come out of winter slow, like you've been facing. It takes a good while before our overnight temp's warm up and we don't get high numbers for annual heat units/growing degree days. That suggests many varieties would ripen late in less than ideal conditions if left to nature.

From what I read, at least certain figs will do well here in the ground. I see the Desert King commonly recommended because it produces a quality breba crop, which ripens early. I'm hoping that with containers I can figure out a convenient way to give them heat and light for a while leading up to plant out so it mimics a longer season and a main crop will ripen earlier during the hotter summer weather. If that works, it should give me access to more varieties.
I pulled all the figs out of the tote and took a good look at them today. There's a definite split, with 6 of them showing strong roots that are consistently developing and 3 that have roots, but the roots don't seem to be developing or at least not quickly.

A few of the better developing ones.

SL Ruby
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SL Ruby Roots
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Smith Roots
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Pananas Purple (shorter cutting) & Roots
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Pananas Purple (taller cutting) finally showing some node activity.
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P Purple "T" Roots already well developed and continue to grow well.
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Then there's the few that showed roots earlier, but the roots don't seem to have developed much since they appeared. Certainly not compared to the ones above, anyway.

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Mario's Roots. The roots are down at the corner of the container with a few underneath the corner where they aren't visible in the picture. It seems consistent that the ones that produced roots appearing low in the corner and/or on the bottom of the container, rather than the sides, aren't developing their roots at the same pace as the ones that put roots against the side of the cups.
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Pete's Honey
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Pete's Honey Roots. Same general pattern as the Mario's.
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Dan's Honey
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Dan's Honey Root. This is an odd one. It put out a nice healthy looking root against the side of the cup, but it hasn't developed much since and I don't see roots showing elsewhere yet, either.
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I'm not sure what to do with these 3 to encourage better root growth. I'm keeping the tote warmer again now. That may slow hardening off some, but I think good root development is the critical factor now. Also, I trimmed off the foliage growth on any active nodes other than the strongest node on each of these cuttings. Hopefully that will also help with root development.
I pulled all the figs out of the tote and took a good look at them today. There's a definite split, with 6 of them showing strong roots that are consistently developing and 3 that have roots, but the roots don't seem to be developing or at least not quickly.

A few of the better developing ones.

SL Ruby
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SL Ruby Roots
20250222 RubyRoots.jpg

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Smith Roots
20250222 SmithRoots.jpg

Pananas Purple (shorter cutting) & Roots
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Pananas Purple (taller cutting) finally showing some node activity.
20250222 PPupleNode.jpg

P Purple "T" Roots already well developed and continue to grow well.
20250222 PPurpleRoots.jpg

Then there's the few that showed roots earlier, but the roots don't seem to have developed much since they appeared. Certainly not compared to the ones above, anyway.

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Mario's Roots. The roots are down at the corner of the container with a few underneath the corner where they aren't visible in the picture. It seems consistent that the ones that produced roots appearing low in the corner and/or on the bottom of the container, rather than the sides, aren't developing their roots at the same pace as the ones that put roots against the side of the cups.
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Pete's Honey
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Pete's Honey Roots. Same general pattern as the Mario's.
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Dan's Honey
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Dan's Honey Root. This is an odd one. It put out a nice healthy looking root against the side of the cup, but it hasn't developed much since and I don't see roots showing elsewhere yet, either.
20250222 Dan'sRoots.jpg

I'm not sure what to do with these 3 to encourage better root growth. I'm keeping the tote warmer again now. That may slow hardening off some, but I think good root development is the critical factor now. Also, I trimmed off the foliage growth on any active nodes other than the strongest node on each of these cuttings. Hopefully that will also help with root development.

Hey @CaneDog , what are you feeding them now? Also, how much is the soil drying out between feedings?
Hey @CaneDog , what are you feeding them now? Also, how much is the soil drying out between feedings?
So far they've gotten just one serving of a little CalMag+ with very diluted Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro 9-3-6. Every few days or so I judge them by weight as to whether they need water. They went a good while before their first post-planting watering and I haven't watered them often, since. They've been retaining moisture fairly well in the tote.

What are your thoughts about maintenance at this stage?
So far they've gotten just one serving of a little CalMag+ with very diluted Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro 9-3-6. Every few days or so I judge them by weight as to whether they need water. They went a good while before their first post-planting watering and I haven't watered them often, since. They've been retaining moisture fairly well in the tote.

What are your thoughts about maintenance at this stage?

At this stage I like to let them get a little less moist between waterings, to get the roots stretching a little. If you haven't done so already, I think it's a good time to start hardening them off to ambient humidity. I think increased transpiration might drive root growth a little. When I transplant, I usually give some worm castings, and then follow with light fish/kelp every other watering. Not saying that's a magic formula, but it's worked for me.

Your plants look really, really good!