• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Canedog Offseason Season 2022/23

Well, shoot. I don't know that I should start a new glog with as poor as I was about updating my last one, but here it goes. My offseason season started late, with most of my plants being probably four to six weeks old now. I'll start by posting a few of the newer ones.

This guy is an Oxkutzcab/Oxkutzcabian Orange Habanero. I have three of these growing and a couple Caribbean Red Habanero that are smaller. The Oxkutzcab seem to be out-pacing the reds, but they've also been around a little longer. In this pic I particularly like the transition in the stem at the cotyledons.
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@HeatMiser sent me some of his wild texas tepin seeds - what, a couple years ago now? - and I've been trying to grow the variety to production ever since. The seeds were collected off a wild-growing bush in 2014 and still sprout just fine. I have three of the plants growing that I've overwintered, but it's been a very long-season variety for me here in the pnw and between that and the impact of an aphid infestation last winter I haven't yet gotten any of them to ripe pods. I started this new one with the idea of getting it well-established inside and hopefully it will be mature enough to produce by next season. I may just keep it inside until it does.
20221109 TX Tepin 2014.jpg

Aji Guyana. I've grow this variety for a couple seasons now after Wiri Wiri shared seeds with me. I always end up topping it, so I got that out of the way early this time. I'm hoping once will be enough, but if it gets unruly it may end up seeing the scissors again. Great production out of these and pretty early for a baccatum.
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This is a second generation (with me) ollantaytambo amarillo rocoto. I was hoping the parent's pods would be more pale that they were, but it produced great-looking yellow pods this summer, which I thought had great flavor. I'm curious whether this next generation's pods will be unchanged, plus it's likely getting crossed with one or two other rocotos I have growing now that are close to the same age.
20221109 OllyWhite.jpg

Uvalde Pequin, from @CraftyFox - thanks man! It looked a little rough when it first came up, but it's looking much stronger now.
20221109 Uvalde.jpg

I'm working with several mexican culinary varieties, growing given varieties from multiple sources and in different variations to find out what I like best. Pasilla Oaxaca, Pasilla Negro Bahia, and Guajillo are among them. These guys are the most recent sprouts. The others have been growing a while and are more established.

20221106 Guajillo.jpg

Pasilla Oaxaca
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Pasilla Negro Bahia
20221109 PasillaBahia.jpg

I'll close with this guy. I thought I'd run out of the orange arequipa rocoto seeds I'd acquired a couple years back, but I found one scraggly seed in the corner of a seed baggie and that scraggly seed has turned into this scraggly young plant. When it germinated I thought the roots might not be strong enough for it to survive, but I've tried to water it just right and it keeps getting stronger day-by-day. If it keeps improving like it has it might make a good match for the ollantaytambo amarillo rocoto.
20221109 OrgArequipa.jpg
The problem is those several plants in the corner. They're too tall for me to lower the lights and I don't really have room left on the south-window table or window sill. Their pods have started to ripen though, so if I can just buy a little time my challenge will be solved.

...just use a bigger box! :D
Here's a few pics of things happening as I wait for the final stragglers to straggle their way into sprouts.

I needed several OT SSE to share with some local folks. I planted sparingly in a recent peat pellet round because the seeds have previously germinated readily. None came up.

Needing a good half-dozen of these - and not wanting them to fall further behind schedule - I dropped about 20 seeds into a better germination mix to be more certain I'd get sprouts - and soon! Of course, 8 days later I had 20 sprouts.
Annuum germination seems just a bit off its rocker this season :crazy:
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I cubed and transplanted the culantro. These guys will get a while to root in after cutting the rockwool - and potentially some roots in the process. Once I start seeing clear winners in each cube I'll cull then transplant the best of the best to new homes.
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A few I potted up this morning: Mildfruit's glog Padron; Ahayastani's Jwala; CraftyFox's Tuxta; and, from a train ride a few years back, BDBeatz's Guajillo. And check it out - red cups!
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The Berry Amarillo on the window table has started to ripen
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As has the single pod on the Bahamian Goat, which I didn't even notice until 3 days ago. It was 100% green when I noticed it and 100% orange the following day. I'm curious now what the next pods will look like as these rarely set anything off-pheno. I'm guessing this is just an early oddball.
20230401 BahaGoat.jpg

Lastly, this Guajillo is the only seed to germinate from hundreds of seeds I planted from dried smoked pods of a source I wanted to carry forward. Somehow, it developed this split during ripening that exposed the maturing seeds. I'm wondering what seed viability will be like after developing this way.
20230401 NativeGuajillo.jpg
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Haha you seem to get seeds from more unconventional sources 😅
How many plants do you have going atm?
Uh I hope it was the de gernika padron seeds I sent you, those were very good! Or was it perhaps a cross? Can’t remember 😅
I always seem to get the best seeds from the "unconventional" sources :)

I'll keep probably 150 after I thin them out and give some to friends. Plus a handful of OW's. I'll be able to fill up the community garden space just fine and still have a quality deck grow at home.

These are labeled as Pimento de Padron "glog." You also sent Pimento de Padron "CaMaria" - or maybe I misread it. It seems you might have kept all those very good gernika seeds for yourself!! 😡 🤣 Anyhow, I figured I'd grow the one you grew in your glog.
I always seem to get the best seeds from the "unconventional" sources :)

I'll keep probably 150 after I thin them out and give some to friends. Plus a handful of OW's. I'll be able to fill up the community garden space just fine and still have a quality deck grow at home.

These are labeled as Pimento de Padron "glog." You also sent Pimento de Padron "CaMaria" - or maybe I misread it. It seems you might have kept all those very good gernika seeds for yourself!! 😡 🤣 Anyhow, I figured I'd grow the one you grew in your glog.

Haha maybe I should try the "CaneDog" method someday :D
Holy shit. That's years of seasons for me, incredible!

Oh my bad 😅 You just say the word, I should get fresh de gernika seeds this season, then I will have more than enough to share. Ah that's my bad handwriting, those should be labeled as "Canaria", as the seeds are from the Spanish island supposedly. Those Pimento de Padron seeds I sent you are still very good, and the pods are way "fatter" than de gernika pods :).
A few pics from while I was taking inventory today.

El Habanero Naranja que no se Puede Deletrear is flowering well, but so far I've notice only a small pod or two here and there.
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Antep Aci Dolma pods getting close.
20230408 AAD.jpg

The second round chinense are starting to put on a little size, with these three leading the pack:

Papa Dreadie
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Faria Scotch Bonnet
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Habanero Tabaquite
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A small handful of baccatum fragilis.
20230408 BaccFrag4.jpg

And last but not least, I've been keeping my fingers crossed for a Mazateco sprout as this was the last of the seeds and germination took a bit longer than I expected. Just 2 straggler varieties left to come through, now!
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El Habanero Naranja que no se Puede Deletrear is flowering well

At least it looks as if it's erupting ☺️

And last but not least, I've been keeping my fingers crossed for a Mazateco sprout as this was the last of the seeds and germination took a bit longer than I expected.

I have been eating a lot of mazateco lately. The harvest this season has been abundant, although their pungency seems to be a bit lower than other years (my subjective opinion). I hope you can taste yours in a few months.
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A few pics from while I was taking inventory today.

El Habanero Naranja que no se Puede Deletrear is flowering well, but so far I've notice only a small pod or two here and there.
20230408 Ooks.jpg

Antep Aci Dolma pods getting close.
20230408 AAD.jpg

The second round chinense are starting to put on a little size, with these three leading the pack:

Papa Dreadie
20230408 PDreadie.jpg

Faria Scotch Bonnet
20230408 FariaBonnet.jpg

Habanero Tabaquite
20230408 T Hab.jpg

A small handful of baccatum fragilis.
20230408 BaccFrag4.jpg

And last but not least, I've been keeping my fingers crossed for a Mazateco sprout as this was the last of the seeds and germination took a bit longer than I expected. Just 2 straggler varieties left to come through, now!
20230408 Mazteco.jpg

Gonna keep an eye on that faria scotch bonnet, it has something misterious to me 😁
The habanero tabaquite interests me too. Where do your seeds originate from? When googling this variety the pictures from various sources all look very different...

At least it looks as if it's erupting ☺️

I have been eating a lot of mazateco lately. The harvest this season has been abundant, although their pungency seems to be a bit lower than other years (my subjective opinion). I hope you can taste yours in a few months.
I watched the entire video... too bad I can't understand the language other than a few words that I pick up here and there...
I watched the entire video... too bad I can't understand the language other than a few words that I pick up here and there...

You can enable automatically generated subtitles in Youtube, and in many cases also select automatically generated translation. The generated subtitles are not perfect, and there are plenty of imperfections in the translations. But they're good enough to get the idea.

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Gonna keep an eye on that faria scotch bonnet, it has something misterious to me 😁
The habanero tabaquite interests me too. Where do your seeds originate from? When googling this variety the pictures from various sources all look very different...

Hey, Marc. Things are looking good over at your glog. Seems like your shaping up for a solid grow this season!

I used to grow the red and the yellow Faria fairly regularly. but it's been several years. I figured I'd try to revive the seeds, but all I have left now is a packet labeled "Faria" I mostly referred to the red as "Faria" and the yellow as "Tabagon" - so I'm pretty sure these are the reds - though I'm not certain. The red pods had a good flavor - the better of the two, as I remember - though the yellow pods were good too and probably looked cooler.

I wanted to try a new habanero type, so I grabbed the Tabaquite from RFC when I was picking up a few annuum. Seems promising. You can see from the picture above mine forked almost immediately and it's supposed to grow into a decent sized and productive plant.
That fork is indeed very early. Does it already flower also?
RFC used to be my main seed source... until the import rules in Europe changed... too bad because they have some really interesting varieties...
No sign of it, but if it's in a hurry I won't slow it down. :)

Yeah, that's too bad about the import mess. RFC definitely has some intriguing varieties - especially in the native pepper space - as do other vendors that are affected. I'm sure people will get creative with the work-arounds, but it would be easier if they didn't have to.
Just a couple quick pics.

I potted up the biggest Prik Leung into a 5.5^2 container and it didn't break stride on flowering and setting pods. That one remaining cotyledon at the bottom is looking pretty ragged though :)
20230410 PrikLeung.jpg

And the Oxkutzcab have finally started to set peppers, though they're doing a nice job of keeping them hidden under the canopy. This one's pretty close to the size I'm aiming for inside with most indoor-production chinense, at about 21 inches = 54cm tall (including the container) and just under 18 inches = 45cm across at the widest.
20230410 Oxkutzcab.jpg
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