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Cap's 2014 Grow - OW's taking over, little ones started

It's almost time for the new year which means an exciting start to a new growing season!
I've gone through my seeds and have selected the following for new starts in 2014:
Bubblegum 7 (KingDenniz)
"KDU" - KingDenniz Unknown - I think it may be another BBG7, but I'm not sure. Was an unlabeled half pod with the rest of the seeds I got from him.
MoA Scotch Bonnet (KingDenniz)
FtL Scotch Bonnet (KingDenniz)
7 Pot Yellow [Not Isolated] (MGOLD86) - These were some of the most neon yellow pods I've seen.
TSMB Yellow [Not Isolated] (MGOLD86)
Douglah [Not Isolated] (MGOLD86) - Gnarly looking pods from this one
Bhut Jolokia Assam [Not Isolated] (MGOLD86)
Here they all are taking a bath:

I'm going to attempt sprouting them on coffee filters in plastic bags sitting on top of my router and cable modem to stay warm. Have a thermometer on top of it and it is giving a consistent ~80F so I figured it is the best spot in my apt. to start these.
I don't have the highest expectations on the seeds I saved from Matt since it was the first time I've attempted to save any seeds. The TSMB-Y seeds weren't looking that great. Time will tell.
I'm also excited that some of these weren't isolated and there is a possibility of some cool crosses coming out of it. I'll probably keep 2-3 of each to see what I end up with.
On top of this I have a bunch of over winters that I thought were my best plants, or my only ones of a particular species, along with some late starts. Here they all are cozy inside after fighting one of the most epic aphid battles they've been in. I swear you could hear the aphids yelling "BATTLE STATIONS!!! PYRETHRIN INCOMMMMMINGGG!!!!" and they would swarm to where I missed a spot. They are relentless but under control now so we will see who survives the winter. 


Not everyone is looking that happy after the aphids so I may have to get a light rigged up instead of relying on the south facing window. It will add a little warmth which would help them out.
I'm really hoping that one or two BBG7 come out healthy by the end of the season since I have some plans for crosses with it.

 "It was the bags i had a hard time finding."
Staples is the only place I could find them, as well.  
Office Depot has 3 x5 bags, but those are awfully big.
"It was the bags i had a hard time finding."
We found ours at Amazon, wife bought me 1,000, that should last a little while. She looked under jewelry bags.
PaulG said:
 "It was the bags i had a hard time finding."
Staples is the only place I could find them, as well.  
Office Depot has 3 x5 bags, but those are awfully big.
Those are a bit large. The 2x3 fit nicely in the card protectors.
They probably are easiest to get on Amazon/ebay. I picked up 100 since I really didn't need too many. 
Devv- The jewelry bag is right on the money for what it is. Strangely I couldn't actually find them at a craft store.
Seedling update:
MoA SB: 3 healthy, 1 helmet head
FtL SB: 2 healthy
Bubblegum7: 1 healthy, 1 helmet head
KDU: 1 healthy, 2 more hooks
7PotY: 7 healthy
Douglah: 13 healthy O.O woah didn't expect half of them to germ. Will have to give away or cull
Assam: 0
TSMBY: 5 healthy, another I didn't expect to even germ
Giant Jalapeno: 4 healthy
Big Sun Hab: 1 healthy, 1 kinda yellow
Gooseberries: 4 ? (never grown before, look healthy though. very spindly) 
Looks like everyone has popped now. I have a small Assam hook in the middle. Seems like everyone is doing well too which is good. 

I am now debating what to pot them up into. I was thinking the deep plug trays to get really nice root systems but then again I was also thinking I should just do 3x3" pots on flats so I only have to pot up once. Oh the choices. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Looks good Caps! I think you should pot up to what ever you have on hand available or the most convenient for you. There is always plastic cups at the grocery, just add drainage.

Keep the pics coming and best of luck!

Capsicum Select said:
Looks like everyone has popped now. I have a small Assam hook in the middle. Seems like everyone is doing well too which is good. 

I am now debating what to pot them up into. I was thinking the deep plug trays to get really nice root systems but then again I was also thinking I should just do 3x3" pots on flats so I only have to pot up once. Oh the choices. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Fantastic CS! My plan was to go straight to 18 oz cups after trues, then into the ground! Can't wait to see your kiddos in new shoes...
Yeah at this point I am debating cups. I just need to come up with a plan for keeping them warm but with enough light to get their trues. I also want to plan it for 2 pot ups. Once to cups or 3x3s then to whatever they will reside in. Hrrrrm I'll figure it out. Mainly I just need to keep them alive for a couple months until it warms up haha.
Edit: I did get to do a little surgery and it's been humid enough that with waiting I was able to slide of the helmet heads so everyone should be alright. There are a few looking a little floppy but I have more then enough  :rofl:
I use the Jiffy pellets for germing, once they stand up and show the coty's I put them in 16oz solo cups, with the pellet 1/2" proud. I use a razor blade to cut 4 small cuts at the bottom (sides) for drainage. They stay in there until they get about like this, but not much larger:

From there they go to 6" pots and then to 1 gal. I'm not a fan of root bound....
Sorry for the hi-jack!
Capsicum Select said:
Yeah at this point I am debating cups. I just need to come up with a plan for keeping them warm but with enough light to get their trues. I also want to plan it for 2 pot ups. Once to cups or 3x3s then to whatever they will reside in. Hrrrrm I'll figure it out. Mainly I just need to keep them alive for a couple months until it warms up haha.
Edit: I did get to do a little surgery and it's been humid enough that with waiting I was able to slide of the helmet heads so everyone should be alright. There are a few looking a little floppy but I have more then enough  :rofl:
It's always fun getting the tweezers out and being a seedling surgeon.
Devv said:
I use the Jiffy pellets for germing, once they stand up and show the coty's I put them in 16oz solo cups, with the pellet 1/2" proud. I use a razor blade to cut 4 small cuts at the bottom (sides) for drainage. They stay in there until they get about like this, but not much larger:

From there they go to 6" pots and then to 1 gal. I'm not a fan of root bound....
Sorry for the hi-jack!
That's a good system Devv. I feel like it is similar to a lot of peoples here. I definitely want to try and prevent them from getting root bound. That was one of my issues last year.  One thing I am concerned of while they don't have true leave is staying humid/warm enough. I'm thinking maybe solo cups and clear cups over them with a little tape. Then once they get to the above picture size something around 1gal. That should get to me to plant out/large containers.
Spicegeist said:
It's always fun getting the tweezers out and being a seedling surgeon.
Why yes it is! To bad I don't make the big bucks like a real doctor doing it!