• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cap's 2014 Grow - OW's taking over, little ones started

It's almost time for the new year which means an exciting start to a new growing season!
I've gone through my seeds and have selected the following for new starts in 2014:
Bubblegum 7 (KingDenniz)
"KDU" - KingDenniz Unknown - I think it may be another BBG7, but I'm not sure. Was an unlabeled half pod with the rest of the seeds I got from him.
MoA Scotch Bonnet (KingDenniz)
FtL Scotch Bonnet (KingDenniz)
7 Pot Yellow [Not Isolated] (MGOLD86) - These were some of the most neon yellow pods I've seen.
TSMB Yellow [Not Isolated] (MGOLD86)
Douglah [Not Isolated] (MGOLD86) - Gnarly looking pods from this one
Bhut Jolokia Assam [Not Isolated] (MGOLD86)
Here they all are taking a bath:

I'm going to attempt sprouting them on coffee filters in plastic bags sitting on top of my router and cable modem to stay warm. Have a thermometer on top of it and it is giving a consistent ~80F so I figured it is the best spot in my apt. to start these.
I don't have the highest expectations on the seeds I saved from Matt since it was the first time I've attempted to save any seeds. The TSMB-Y seeds weren't looking that great. Time will tell.
I'm also excited that some of these weren't isolated and there is a possibility of some cool crosses coming out of it. I'll probably keep 2-3 of each to see what I end up with.
On top of this I have a bunch of over winters that I thought were my best plants, or my only ones of a particular species, along with some late starts. Here they all are cozy inside after fighting one of the most epic aphid battles they've been in. I swear you could hear the aphids yelling "BATTLE STATIONS!!! PYRETHRIN INCOMMMMMINGGG!!!!" and they would swarm to where I missed a spot. They are relentless but under control now so we will see who survives the winter. 


Not everyone is looking that happy after the aphids so I may have to get a light rigged up instead of relying on the south facing window. It will add a little warmth which would help them out.
I'm really hoping that one or two BBG7 come out healthy by the end of the season since I have some plans for crosses with it.

I looked all over for those tiny bags last week. Finally found them in the craft section in walmart, more specifically in the jewelry part of the craft section. A bundle of 100 of their smallest bags inside their medium bags, bundle of 100 medium bag in their large bags, no idea where they got the bag to put the bundle of 100 large bags!
Devv said:
And this is how we learn....I don't think I have ever learned an easy lesson. ;)
Haha yes and I have learned a lot in only one full season at this!

spysee said:
I looked all over for those tiny bags last week. Finally found them in the craft section in walmart, more specifically in the jewelry part of the craft section. A bundle of 100 of their smallest bags inside their medium bags, bundle of 100 medium bag in their large bags, no idea where they got the bag to put the bundle of 100 large bags!
Bags on bags on bags! The craft section is a good place for finding organization for small items.

maximumcapsicum said:
Sorry bout the parched sprouts! What a shame. Looks like you got some keepers! Just bury the leggy ones deep enough to compensate.
Good luck!
Thanks! I actually checked on them a little bit ago and a bunch have perked up and aren't laying over anymore. I'll get them in new shoes sometime this week with a light over them.

Can they have pods yet? haha
Got the leggy little guys into some bigger shoes and next to a sunny window. Used some Happy Frog potting mix and ended up just getting the cheap deep cells that I got last year. They work pretty well but aren't that durable.

My brother has my other T5 and the OWs are doing a lot better with one so I will keep it on them. So they will most likely continue to be leggy. But who doesn't like some extra leg?!  :D
I have my first triple cotyledon too! It's on a KDU:


That's about all for now.  Just need these to GROW GROW GROW!
Seedling's are coming along well.  Lost 1 FtL, 1 KDU, and 1 BG7. I have now added Brown Morugas to my grow from Sick625. I replaced the three I lost with 3 brown morugas that had sprouted.  Everyone else looks like they are starting to get their true leaves:

The OWs are doing pretty well. I've only lost a couple plants overall which is pretty good since this is the first time I am OW any plants. Unfortunately the aphids returned a little bit so I am back to that battle. Next year I am going to completely clean the roots and stems after trimming back then plant into clean soil for any OWs I want to keep.  Got a cool side shoot on one that is under the T5.


Even have some trying to push out flowers. I will have to pinch those.
Got an addition to the jungle in my apt too. Calamondin citrus tree:


Flowers on it smell amazing.
Perch cat Simon says have a great weekend!


The war with aphids rages on. A few battles have been lost but the war has yet to be won!
Devv- You are very correct, over wintering here has proved to be difficult. I just don't have the ideal set up for it here in CT right now to keep them warm enough. Spring is right around the corner though!
I've lost a few of the OW's. My main bhuts that are large are hanging on and I've taken my single PdN to rehab in a sunny living room that stays around 70F. 
The little ones are doing quite well. Could be larger for their age but I've only had them in sun from a south window.

Hope everyone is keeping warm in these cold fronts that keep going through. I'm itching for spring to be here and stay.
I have never planted peppers from seeds before (successfully), it seems to be a lesson in patience.  Most of the peppers I want to try growing are not available locally as seedlings.  Your post will be a great guide for me next year.   
jimbo53 said:
I have never planted peppers from seeds before (successfully), it seems to be a lesson in patience.  Most of the peppers I want to try growing are not available locally as seedlings.  Your post will be a great guide for me next year.   
Glad I can add some learning experience for you.  It definitely is a lesson in patience.  If you browse around the other glogs you can see the various methods that people start their seeds.  After a couple different methods (coffee filters in plastic bags, peat pellets, and the starter plugs above) I feel I am most comfortable with in the soil in plugs and a plastic dome over the top to keep it humid. 
It has been far too long since I've been around here. Lots to update.  Most of my OW's survived but I did lose quite a few. I have since potted up all the BG7's and other seedlings I started and now am in full swing poddage formation for most. Looks like the KDU's I labeled are BG7's based on calyx and flower formation.  Another huge thank you to KingDenniz for sending those my way.  Can't wait to see them ripen.

OW's going into the greenhouse I got for Xmas:

Everyone has taken off really well. This is a couple days ago:


OW Pasilla de Oaxaca:

First MoA:

BG7 Flowers:

BG7 Pod:
maximumcapsicum said:
Looks like your grow has really developed! Got any plants for the pods?
It really has. I plan on drying most of them and giving a lot out at work. Probably freeze some to make sauces in the future too. There is no way I will be able to eat them all myself haha.
Some more pics:
Aji Limon flower (C. Baccatum)

First Douglah pod (most likely a cross)

BG7's getting bigger, I'm going to try and get a cross of these and the PdN:

Pepper Lover's Blue Mystery flower:

Dedo de Moca pod, interested in trying this one. Supposedly a little bit of cinnamon taste to it:

Galapa's are putting out little pods too, little fireball pez dispensers is more like it!