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Capsaicin extraction.

Does this simple method work as described here? 

If so how best to use the chili oil in a hot sauce recipe? 
sirex said:
Yes Ive read about making oleoresin but it all seems a bit time consuming..Weeks!
This way looks quick and easy.. I`m not only into hot sauces but also Szechuan chili oil.
This method looks quick and simple and a  way to make a good base for either..Or even just an additive to add instant heat to... whatever.
No one tried this?

Not sure why but I find that pic very inspiring..??

sirex said:
I would prob use everclear.
Cant get ever clear here in the 3rd world.. Its in the fridge with Vodka now..
I have my doubts but hey..You never know...Lets see what it really does.
Wolf1888 said:
Good luck with that! And don't forget to add pictures of the result, it is a very interesting subject!
It didn't separate as the picture in OP..(even after 2 days) so I slowly reduced the vodka by simmering it in a saucepan and added some Italian spaghetti sauce to it.. Tastes good and as hot as anything else I've tried.
The peppers I used were Silang labuyo which obviously don't have anywhere near the oil content of Habs..I`m guessing that's why it didn't separate?
