Capsicum "Cardenasii" CGN 20497

Discovered something pretty cool on my plants of CGN 20497, I started seeing fungus gnats about a week and a half ago then they got pretty bad they were on all my plants except two both of my CGN 20497 then they started to fly on them within two days the infestation was gone didnt know where they went then saw dead gnats only on two plants
I know this is a 9 month old post but has anyone tried to grow out CAP 1530 or CAP 1491? Although CAP 1491 is listed as a Capsicum sp. the seed look a lot like CAP 1530 to my untrained eyes.

I know this is a bump of an old thread, but I was wondering if any progress had been made in the attempt of verifying & or collecting "true seed stock".

I really enjoy the purple flowers, thanks for the pics :)