Capsicum Extract

I have read a lot about Capsicum Extract, but cannot find a recipe to make my own, not even sure where to start, could someone guide me in the right direction please ?:onfire:
You need some dry pods and some high proof alcohol. You soak the pods in the alcohol for a a period of time so that the capsaicin oil can be dissolved from the pods.
Now strain this and put into a bowl to evaporate, some people use a double boiler setup to accelerate this but that can make the procedure more dangerous because of the risk of fire or explosion through alcohol vapor.

Get this stuff on you and you will burn.
Try doing a site search, this is a very popular topic here at THP
You can make a crude pepper extract at home but to make capsaicin extract I believe you need to remove everything but the cap including sugars and capsainoids which gets complicated. Someone once posted a pic of the machinery needed and it looks like many different chemicals are used

Here's how Dave answered your question
I was watching a show on the Food Network about hot sauces. Dave of Dave’s Insanity Sauce was showing how he made his sauce and mentioned hot pepper extract. What is this? Many thanks for your help.

Pepper extract is oleoresin capsicum, the concentrated oil containing high amounts of capsaicin. Hot peppers are dried and pelletized, then treated with hexane[or other petrochemicals], which produces a dark red oily compound--the oleoresin. The hexane is boiled off and then this oleoresin is used to make pepper spray and superhot sauces.--Dave"
I recently saw a video on youtube of someone doing an extraction with butane... tho I wouldn't recommend it unless you know what your doing.
produced a lovely redish oily substance tho :)

EDIT: for the alcohol extract, I imagine you could just put the alcohol solution on the stove if you did it right... I would anyways :P but I have an electric stove, can only get 40% alcohol here, and would open the windows. just dont light up a smoke :P
you can use a fan to speed up evaporation(no heat), do it outside on a day with low humidity as alcohol sucks in