• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Capsidadburn 2014

Here we go again.  Seems like it was only yesterday.  I've recieved a lot of pods and seeds from great folks here.  THP and those folks are awesome!   I'll be growing most all of them as well as an order I just placed yesterday with Semillas.
I will seriously have to alter my logistics and layout to grow everything and keep it as asthetic but affordable as possible.  Big problems;  I need to trim my front yard trees to get more morning and mid day sun in the back.  I really need to haul in new soil.  Hello wheelbarrow and backpain.  My city is currently in a stage 2 drought restrictions (once a week watering).  I usually water with drip irrigation everyother day until summer forces me to each day.  Barrel collection (which I've been tinkering with for a while) will have to happen.
Here is my list in no particular order.  Seeds and or Fresh pods from; Pepperlover/ Judy, GAGrowhead/Jason, Windchicken/Gary, Sawyer/John, Spicegeist/Charles  Meatfreak/ Stefan, PIC 1/ Greg  Thanks to all!                  
                                                                                               Transplanted to 3x3's;
Butch T Scorpion /Me
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise/Jason
Peach Bhut Jolokia/Judy
Sepia Serpent/Jason
Bhut Orange Copenhagen/Jason
Peach Habanero/Judy
7 Pot Not Red (Yellow) Barrackpore/Me
White Devil's Tongue/Jason
NagaBrain F3/Gary
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion/Jason
Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion/Jason
Congo Black/Judy
White Bhut Jolokia/Judy
Bonda ma Jaques X Yellow 7 Pot/Gary-Charles
Brain Strain/Judy
Tobago Yellow Scotch Bonnet/Judy
Bubble Gum 7 Pot #1/Jason
Yellow Moruga Scorpion/Judy
Yellow Bhut Jolokia/Judy
7 Pot Chiguanas/Judy
Texas Pequin F2/Gary-Brian
7 Pot Jonah/Judy
Brown Moruga Scorpion/Judy
Elysium Oxide Bonnet F4/ Me
Tepin X 7 Pot/Charles
MOA Scotch Bonnet/John
7 Pot Burgundy/John
7 Pot Barrackpore/Me
Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet/Judy
Cumari do Para/Me
Giant Yellow Brainstrain/Judy
Carolina Reaper/John
Funky Reaper/John
7 Pot Brown/John
Donne Sali/Charles
TFM Scotch Bonnet/Jason
Tepin X Quintisho F1/ Me
Mini-Mini X Purple Flash F1/ Me
Trinidad Chocolate Bonnet/Jason
Trinidad Cherries/Jason
Giant White Hab/ Jason
Espelette Basque/ Me
Green Habanero
CGN 23255
Brown Bhutlah
Brown Rocoto
Sara's Green
El Oro de Ecuador
Jalapeno Jalastar
Habanero Naranja Picante
CAP 217 Rocoto
Jalapeno Goliath
Lota Bih
Jalapeno El Jefe
Yellow Bhut SG
Naga Suomi
Madballs 7 Red
7 Pot Primo Orange
Yellow Infinity
St. Martins Red Hab
Miss. St. Butch T
Madballs 7 Chocolate
Och Rios Scotch Bonnet
Numex 6-4
Spanish Naga Morich
Big Bang Chocolate Naga
White Fatalii
Have a great day people!
Mike, sorry I had to rush through the last 21 pages of your blog.  
The raised beds look great, and your pod shots are awesome as always.
We haven't had many dragonflies in our yard this year - it's been so dry
the neighborhood water sources are shrinking.  Nice to see more of your
dragonfly shots.
Sorry to read about the earlier misfortunes - seems like they come in bunches
sometimes.  My wife has diver, too.  No fun.  I hope your wife is doing well.
Hope the rest of the summer finds you and your family well, Mike!
Spicegeist said:
Really cool shots...
Thanks Charles!
OCD Chilehead said:
Great shots indeed. I always get excited when I see the DF's. Maybe it's because it reminds me of chasing them around the yard when I was a littlekid. Don't know, but they are cool. Plants look amazing Mike.

Thanks for sharing.

Glad to hear Chuck!  I'll try to keep it interesting.  Thanks!
PaulG said:
Mike, sorry I had to rush through the last 21 pages of your blog.  
The raised beds look great, and your pod shots are awesome as always.
We haven't had many dragonflies in our yard this year - it's been so dry
the neighborhood water sources are shrinking.  Nice to see more of your
dragonfly shots.
Sorry to read about the earlier misfortunes - seems like they come in bunches
sometimes.  My wife has diver, too.  No fun.  I hope your wife is doing well.
Hope the rest of the summer finds you and your family well, Mike!
Thanks Paul!  My county supposedly has 78 varieties of Dragonflys and Damselflies.  Just in my backyard I've learned of 12 species Dragonfly, and 4 damselflies.  There are certainly way cooler looking species that do not venture into my back yard.  My daughter and I are starting to hit a few shallow creeks hunting them.
Thanks for the concerns!  My wife Carol is doing much better with a scope planned for next month.
Devv said:
Great shots Mike!
Thanks Scott!  I saw you mentioned my D-60 in somebody's thread.  I find it harder and harder to get the right focus with my eyesight.  My daughters camera is so much better!  I made this slideshow link of her pics.  Nikon D3300, something like that, package deal probably aging model.
A small harvest

My EOB pods, Correct pheno on the left, Mustard pheno middle, and right some F3's that came out of my germinating frenzy that are very Mom parent Douglah looking, two unripe pics of the same.

Sorry for the blur!

Later good people!
Hi Mike!
Glad to see the nice harvest!
And yes as we age the eyesight gets worse. I keep saying as a mini prayer, "I wish I had 20-20" (again) Using my D-60, I rely on the "red square", but that doesn't mean it's focused on your target. So the point and shoot gets used more ;)
Mariah did really well taking those pics! I wonder where the talent came from?
Nulle said:
It looks like what we here in DK call a money tree/paradise tree
Nulle said:
If it is what I said in 408, then the latin name is Crassula Ovata :P
Thanks very much! I will use this as a starting point to try and figure it out. I saw something about Money tree and Jade plant in one site. We've had Jade plants before and I don't think this is that. When I saw this plant at the San Antonio zoo I was struck by its beauty. It was the only plant like it in the area. I was a little more concerned about snapping off a little piece than getting a nice pic! It's on a hillside near the Rhino and Cheetah's if anyone wants to go look for me! Kidding:)
It looks a bit like purslane, but the leaves are less elongated than usual.
I read somewhere that it is high in omega-3 and great in salads!  I have something called mexican moss rose purslane in a ceramic pot in my raised bed and blooming well.  It is also low growing ground cover type but smaller leaf and more elongated.
Thanks John!
I'm like you, Scott.  I'm sure I've seen it around here somewhere, going to have to keep my eyes open for it.  I'm sure the local wild variety will be better adapted to my conditions than whatever cultivar I could find seeds for.
Thanks Linda!  That looks a whole lot like the Jade plant my wife used to have.  I think they are fascinating!  This plant is more like a large doilie in habit.  The second link shows that but not the more segmented main stems that I remember from the zoo.  Seems to be a weed with benefits.  Scott you've probably hoed or tilled them under, or saw them in the pasture.
I've seen starts of portulaca plenty of times in nursery's, just not fully doings it's thing.
Here are some Tobago Yellow Scotch Bonnets.  Loved these from Judy last year.

Couple MOA pics doing pretty well.  Seeds from John/ Sawyer  Some pod variation but very pleasing!

One of my EOB's showing it's color.  Pods are a little smaller than last season.  Probably my soil.

Thanks again, Linda, John, Greg, and Scott.
Have a great weekend!