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Caribbean Red (Habanero) sauce?

Last spring I was in Grand Cayman on a trip. While I was there I picked up a bottle of Ivy's Treats, (homemade) Caribbean Red sauce at the local cruise ship bazaar/market. I bought the bottle from Ivy herself. She didn't even have her own stall. She just sold her handmade pepper sauces off of a shelf in her friend's stall.
She had 3 pepper sauces, all made from Habaneros. One from the Caribbean Red, one from the Scotch Bonnet, & one from the regular Habanero pepper. The one made with the Caribbean Red blew the other two away in flavor. I don't know what other ingredients she had in her recipe? But I think she told me it was just the peppers, salt & vinegar (like Tabasco).
I only bought the one bottle :(
Now I wish I had bought every bottle she had!
Anyone have a recipe for a sauce similar to hers?
Have any of you ever heard of her sauces?
Do you know of any other straight Caribbean Red Habanero sauces available on the retail market?
thanks - CaptJack


When I tasted all 3 of her sauces only the CR had, almost a tomato-ey background?
maybe because it was a ripe 'red' pepper?
the other 2 didn't, just a green pepper flavor

no, no garlic tint

but, now that I think about it...
I think smoking the CR peppers first and adding garlic would be two great improvements on her recipe.
I grew Red Caribbean Habs 2 years ago . I turned most to mash & canned which I can now use to make hot sauce, wing sauce,etc. These peppers were lots hotter than orange habs,& I think more flaverfull Seeds came from Burpee, I didn't see them offered this year
I grew Red Caribbean Habs 2 years ago . I turned most to mash & canned which I can now use to make hot sauce, wing sauce,etc. These peppers were lots hotter than orange habs,& I think more flaverfull Seeds came from Burpee, I didn't see them offered this year
I've been growing the Caribbean Reds for some time now. I may have originally acquired them from Burpee, who knows, or remembers..........lolI agree they are actually my favorites for making a red hot sauce. Those combined with Congo Trinidads steps the flavor up a notch.I know there are many folks here that swear by the Orange Yucatan Hab, and I've grown it but in my opinion the Reds have the better taste and heat...Greg
Thinking about trying to cross a C.R. with a Fatalii for next year. Will have to look into whether or not they will cross. :thinking: :drunk: 3 day weekend for this 3rd shifter started @ 7am. made a bottle run and now to play in the kitchen. New ideas flowing hard lately.
Here's some photos from last year


These are the Red Savina's that (in my opinion) taste "ditchy dirty" on their own but pack a punch when added to "anything" ...fresh, smoked or powdered...


Here's some Caribbean Red's......citrusy scent and flav with an upfront tropical bite


and here's the Congo Trinidads......juicy, smokey...bonnet like flav and scent...another ideal "Red" for sauce making.......all 3 varieties are quite different
