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Caribbean Style Pepper Sauce

Basically got this recipe from this CaribbeanPot YouTube video.
So all credit to Chris over there.
Anyway (I know I've posted this image a lot already :P) I got this box o' fire from AJDrew and thought I'd make the sauce. 54 peppers in all, I counted maybe 15 different varieties. No idea what anything is, so I thought I would just use them all together. Fire is fire, right?

Stored them in a Ziploc for a bit, time to make the sauce, so I pulled them out of the fridge. Still crunchy, no mushiness, nice and firm and vibrant!

Washed, cleaned, and destemmed peppers with some gloves on. Already coughing from the fumes since I pulled too much from the stem and opened a few peppers and breathed them in. :(

I thought the recipe called for a cup and a half of vinegar, but it was only one cup, so I accidentally used a little too much (but it didn't matter in the end). Tossed in a whole lemon, deseeded and cut up as well as 8 cloves of garlic. Never used a lemon like this, but hell, I'm not much of a cook so I don't know any better:

Almost forgot the cilantro, so I tossed that in. I figure I'd do all the non-pepper stuff first to avoid having to change gloves all the time as I get things in and out of the fridge, touch the blender, touch utensils, etc.

All blended up!

Time to change gloves for the main event:

Chopped up half the peppers, tossed them in. I already hit the max "fill" line on the blender up, so I had to do it half and half:

Blended up:

Use the other half of the peppers:

All done!

Came out really nice and chunky, and the color is amazing:

By some miracle of God, it came out exactly to the capacity of this jar:

Final shot. Still can't get over how great the color on this thing is, flecks of green, orange, red, and yellow. Tried a bit off the tip of a spoon. Whole mouth went numb. I think I'm gonna enjoy using this on anything I can think of:
Yup, the recipe did call for it, and I figured that since people use lemon zest all the time that it wasn't a big deal. It actually ends up quite tasty this way I think.