chinense Carolina Reaper confirmed the world's hottest pepper

TBH and IMO you are just kinda being a dick and talking a bunch of crap that you really don't know anything about. Then you get all wishy washy and back peddley and weak and don't really back up what you say. I mean IMO, if you really believe in this "bribe" thing then find the proof. Stop with all the weak O's and come up with some hard F's. 
Naga Chomper said:
I don't think anyone would have had a problem with this whole thing had it not been for the involvement of another party. That other party seemed to stir the pot early and often, and not favorably. No matter how upstanding and honest Ed is, the marketer choice was the fly in the ointment.
Perfection. READ IT AGAIN PEOPLE!!!!!
(especially the "fly in the ointment" part :rofl: )
Ok, I gotta ask. What's wrong with Pepper Joe.  I'm pretty sure that is who we are talking about, right? 2013 was my first year growing superhots and Pepper Joe is where I got my Carolina Reaper seeds from. They grew true and Joe was very nice and helpful to me. I found his customer service to be great. So what am I missing here? Was there some incident in the past? 
Ocho Cinco said:
Ok, I gotta ask. What's wrong with Pepper Joe.  I'm pretty sure that is who we are talking about, right? 2013 was my first year growing superhots and Pepper Joe is where I got my Carolina Reaper seeds from. They grew true and Joe was very nice and helpful to me. I found his customer service to be great. So what am I missing here? Was there some incident in the past? 
Dig a little deeper it will all show up! :party:  No, I do not have that much free time on my hands to show you! ;)
Ocho Cinco said:
TBH and IMO you are just kinda being a dick and talking a bunch of crap that you really don't know anything about. Then you get all wishy washy and back peddley and weak and don't really back up what you say. I mean IMO, if you really believe in this "bribe" thing then find the proof. Stop with all the weak O's and come up with some hard F's. 
Maybe I was in a Bad mood when writing the first ones and TBH from what I learned about a few people I don't like them, not on a personal level but on a Business level.  I will try to not go into that as it is IMO of how I look at them for things I read or heard how they do things and Frankly it pisses me off.   There's a lot You don't know about me and never will, but IMO
Greedy people in my personal life that Say one thing but are only in it for the Money, Got me Really in a Bad mood, so I'm going to "fight" for the "little Guys" that are only trying to make a Living not get "rich" with what they do and hurt others doing it.  


Ocho Cinco said:
Ok, I gotta ask. What's wrong with Pepper Joe.  I'm pretty sure that is who we are talking about, right? 2013 was my first year growing superhots and Pepper Joe is where I got my Carolina Reaper seeds from. They grew true and Joe was very nice and helpful to me. I found his customer service to be great. So what am I missing here? Was there some incident in the past? 
I thought after this, Baker's and the Soap Opera you wouldn't be asking them kind of Q's any more LOL   I'm sure if you really want to know people will tell you there thoughts but I will "try" to be  on the Nice list today but tomorrow could be different..  
The Pepper Joe question was made last night. I think it was after the Baker's post but before Soap Opera. I really don't care or want to know about why people don't like Joe any longer. I mean, I did care when I first asked the question but now I just want to step back and remove myself from any controversy that I have gotten myself into. I have done business with several vendors on here. Both the ones that people love and people hate. So far I have had good experiences with them all. I think I just need to leave it at that. If I personally have a good experience with a vendor then I will be more than happy to share that. If I have a question or bad experience with a vendor then I will share it with them privately. I think that I just need to stick with my glog and maybe a few status updates and avoid commenting on the controversial threads. 
Thanks for trying to be on the "Nice" list today. :) Don't forget that Santa is watching. lol Tomorrow could be a different story but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. One day at a time.
Sorry about calling you a dick.
Ocho Cinco said:
The Pepper Joe question was made last night. I think it was after the Baker's post but before Soap Opera. I really don't care or want to know about why people don't like Joe any longer. I mean, I did care when I first asked the question but now I just want to step back and remove myself from any controversy that I have gotten myself into. I have done business with several vendors on here. Both the ones that people love and people hate. So far I have had good experiences with them all. I think I just need to leave it at that. If I personally have a good experience with a vendor then I will be more than happy to share that. If I have a question or bad experience with a vendor then I will share it with them privately. I think that I just need to stick with my glog and maybe a few status updates and avoid commenting on the controversial threads. 
Thanks for trying to be on the "Nice" list today. :) Don't forget that Santa is watching. lol Tomorrow could be a different story but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. One day at a time.
Sorry about calling you a dick.
Pepperjoe is a nice guy. What upsets people is his marketing. I don't like his marketing either, but I don't think he's a bad guy. He hyped up the reaper by claiming it was the hottest and going to get the Guinness record. Now that it has the record people are still attacking Ed and his pepper, which is just mob mentality. People are also throwing around baseless claims, so don't be worried about calling one of them a dick.
Ocho Cinco said:
Sorry about calling you a dick.
Well I have one and well TBH IMHO it's pretty Darn good!!!  I just LMAO at it, and don't care what you or others think, I've been there Done that "caring" what others thought, Now I just Don't give a Rats Arse what people think that are not in my Real Life.  I'm sure your a good guy & If we ever met in RL would have a fun time talking.
The Bad thing, I learned along time ago is on Forums like this is people don't hold back there thoughts so some times felling or people get upset with what is written that makes hard to hold back when it's not face to face.  So don't let what I or anyone says get to you as in the Long run it means nothing in our Real Life.    
So No worry's, it's all good this is just a forum and saying what's on your mind isn't going to Change you or I in the long run..     
Walter --   Down a few  UFOs  Your GOTTA' BELIEVE MAN !
PepperLover said:
you are correct who knows.
well i know two simple things
the only sweet habanero there is, is Zavory and never heard/seen, any Nagas come from Pakistan. Actually Pakistani pepper are most if not all are  C.Annuum and C. Frutescens. never seen a C.Chinense from Pakistan .
i could be wrong 
or officially wrong  ;)
I have Aji Cachucha's that aren't hot. They're cool you get that Habanero aroma/flavor without the heat, its almost surreal the more you know about the family.
teejay said:

Having said all that, I haven't forgotten that we are talking about chilli's the likes of which my insides would probably not cope with, so all due respect is implied in my words. (If you are reading this Ed, or Primo, your products are what I aspire to grow well, irrespective of whether one comes with 1 or 2 percent of the other for heat - both look AWESOME)
I'm growing the 7 Pot Primo, but not the HP22B. If it didn't set me back an arm and a leg, and I felt I knew what I was doing, I would volunteer to do the growing and sending, but, crawl before you can walk and all that...)
Regards to all,
Thanks for the kind words Tim.... I've been out of the loop for a bit. Licking my wounds. lol  Take care and happy growing!  Primo
Hi there Primo,
I too have been out of the loop for a bit - one of my "furbabies" had an unexpected emergency and passed away at the end of December between Christmas and new years day.
Put simply, it cleaved me into multiple pieces and chilli's took a back seat for some weeks.
It's been absolutely terrible here in Australia over the last week. We have had five days over 44 deg Celsius in my locality and all my seedlings couldn't manage. In fact, one night didn't drop below 36 degrees Celsius.
Ultimately, I have my more mature 7 Pot Primo's growing, but my Carolina Reaper couldn't be saved. So, no comparison for me this year. Damn.
Such is life.
I was one who had lots of questions about this at first. When the first plants grown from seeds had the amount of variation they did I became very skeptical of it being stable. I'm happy for Ed and that the truth lived up to the hype.