chinense Carolina Reaper confirmed the world's hottest pepper

1M $$ a year what would you say Ed spent $10,000 for if Ed wasn't in it for the money or Greed? Being in Northern Cali and seeing so many MMJ growers that are only growing for money I TBH see More greedy people then most on THP.
Wanting someone elses hard work, YEARS of hard work the price you want, makes you the greedy one.
"TBH see More greedy people then most on THP" wasn't saying people on THC but People around where I live are very Greedy.

spysee said:
Wanting someone elses hard work, YEARS of hard work the price you want, makes you the greedy one.
A fair price, isn't greedy, but like so many CEO's Make Millions, but most of there workers make Minimum wage is greedy. IMO..
pepperhog said:
I got some seeds for Choc bhut from Judy turns out they are Choc habalokia 30% of them had stingers on them looked like butch T s there is your stinger,,, she now has the real deal but for a long time the choc bhut was out of stock,,,if you cross a long pepper with a round pepper you can get peppers round with stingers for a phenotype if you isolate and breed for that then you get it.. the primoo gets a tail again long pepper nag a crossed with a round pepper 7 pot you get a tail,,Ed has been fooling with peppers for a long time longer than most folks on here longer than most vendors other than that dude from semillas at one time the Bangladesh region of India was Pakistan, there is your Pakistani Naga the habenero used had a sweet flavor more than likely was not the heat less variety,, so hp22 is a very hot pepper what you feed your peppers can also make them hotter as if y'all don't know that so 1,4 1,5mill is average reading of heat can I tell y'all he has had freaks got past 2.5 million will y'all say I'm full of $%*- but the man has been fooling with peppers since the late 70s and has forgotten more about peppers than y'all know he is humble keeps to him self started fooling with peppers looking for a cure for the infermity called cancer,, he is a God fearing man he gives God the glory for his sucess but i forgot belief in a higher power is not the trend now a days,,oh my barackpore I got from you Judy turned out to be a naga morich I know you will read this and I'm speaking the truth not lying noticed there was no bad review in vendors vault but I'm coming clean here, because you painted a picture as some kind of pepper authority that clearly knows way less than the record holder for all you THP members on here fixing to pounce on me have at it,, the truth hurts some times but it will set you free
My vendors in future are ,, Ed Currie ,,Jim Duffy , and Butch Taylor,,,mc dermott the rest are out there peddling peppers they know little about were they came from at all ,,, look at this as me hating THP member or Judy not really setting y'all straight ,,,, this is probably my last post y'all enjoy world record holder is the Hp22b reaper butch Taylor is a Real gentleman and is the only person that should be mad he is not at all he congradulated Ed on his success that he deserves,,,rightfully peace THP I'm out!,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,!
who are you?
How do I attempt a world record?
At Guinness World Records we want everyone, anywhere in the world to be able to make their record-breaking dreams a reality.

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Can I get a response any faster?
If you need a quicker response to your application our Fast Track service guarantees a response to your application in three working days and costs £450/$700. You can select Fast Track during your application.
I finally looked it up lol £450/$700. = less or about $1,000 and speeds it up from about 6 weeks to 3 days. I am glad ed was a banker as my math doesn't add up.  
If you are still thinking that the $10,000 is a "bribe" then you are still gonna be wrong. I mean, come on, think about it. If Guinness were for some reason willing to risk their reputation by accepting a bribe don't you think that it would be for much, much more than $10,000? 

I really wouldn't be surprised that when Guinness get wind of people making accusations about being bribed that they may sue someone for slander.
Ocho Cinco said:
If you are still thinking that the $10,000 is a "bribe" then you are still gonna be wrong. I mean, come on, think about it. If Guinness were for some reason willing to risk their reputation by accepting a bribe don't you think that it would be for much, much more than $10,000? 

I really wouldn't be surprised that when Guinness get wind of people making accusations about being bribed that they may sue someone for slander.
This reminds me of the old Jerkey Boys quote 'sue everybody' from  their crank call "Punitive Damages"
Ocho Cinco said:
If you are still thinking that the $10,000 is a "bribe" then you are still gonna be wrong. I mean, come on, think about it. If Guinness were for some reason willing to risk their reputation by accepting a bribe don't you think that it would be for much, much more than $10,000? 

I really wouldn't be surprised that when Guinness get wind of people making accusations about being bribed that they may sue someone for slander.
LMAO Slander isn't someones thoughts and I always said IMO.  That makes it so I am not sating it's fact and no slander but what I'm thinking,  now I am starting to think maybe Ed was Denied a few times so he kept spending money till he got the Record as 6 weeks is to long to wait  each time when you keep getting denied.   
Mr. Hill said:
LMAO Slander isn't someones thoughts and I always said IMO.  That makes it so I am not sating it's fact and no slander but what I'm thinking,  now I am starting to think maybe Ed was Denied a few times so he kept spending money till he got the Record as 6 weeks is to long to wait  each time when you keep getting denied.   
When you express your thoughts and "opinions" in the public, you can be responsible for slander. Merely saying the word opinion doesn't mean it's considered an opinion rather than a statement of fact. To avoid legal problems it's sagacious to state the fact and then your opinion of that fact. You did this though. You say the fact (Ed was denied) and your opinion (until he got the record...). I don't think Ed and Guinness would bother hunting down THP members though. If someone very high profile in the industry on THP made accusations, they might go after them.
I am starting to think maybe Ed was Denied a few times
You say the fact (Ed was denied) and your opinion (until he got the record...).
I said Maybe, no Facts are stated by a "Maybe", again it's my thoughts..  Trying to understand why someone spent about $10,000  isn't stating Facts why he did, also he would have to Prove that My words are what hurt his sales.   If I said Ed used capsicum extract to brake the record and his sales fell by 40% then he would have a case but he have to prove he didn't use capsicum extract, If I said  he did and his sales where 1% higher he might win but wouldn't get any damages, but if I say Maybe he did and his sales went down 40% he wouldn't win because I wasn't stating Fact only my thoughts and we all have the freedom to think and say anything as long as it's our thoughts and not stating it as Facts when it's false.  
I sure don't think My thoughts will help or Hurt anyone's sales of peppers.
Mr. Hill said:
I said Maybe, no Facts are stated by a "Maybe", again it's my thoughts..  Trying to understand why someone spent about $10,000  isn't stating Facts why he did, also he would have to Prove that My words are what hurt his sales.   If I said Ed used capsicum extract to brake the record and his sales fell by 40% then he would have a case but he have to prove he didn't use capsicum extract, If I said  he did and his sales where 1% higher he might win but wouldn't get any damages, but if I say Maybe he did and his sales went down 40% he wouldn't win because I wasn't stating Fact only my thoughts and we all have the freedom to think and say anything as long as it's our thoughts and not stating it as Facts when it's false.  
I sure don't think My thoughts will help or Hurt anyone's sales of peppers.
I'm saying you stated a fact and then your opinion, which is the strategy I claimed sagacious. There are a lot of facts in sentences. They can be broken down quite a bit, but I mentioned the fact that's relevant (Ed was denied). What you said was a mix of fact and opinion, which isn't necessarily slander and what you said isn't slander.
Now we are talkin Boss!
Thats my new pepper! Im gonna go hunt down a bigfoot, how hard could that be really?
Soak him in extract for forty days and forty nights, pound a bunch of Guinness, and send that thing in for testing.

neoguy said:
No, not bigfoot. Elvis made it, didn't you hear he was still alive?  :rolleyes:
Crap.... :rolleyes:
There goes that plan
Dulac said:
I'm saying you stated a fact and then your opinion, which is the strategy I claimed sagacious. There are a lot of facts in sentences. They can be broken down quite a bit, but I mentioned the fact that's relevant (Ed was denied). What you said was a mix of fact and opinion, which isn't necessarily slander and what you said isn't slander.
I never Said, " (Ed was denied)". I said"
Mr. Hill said:
  now I am starting to think maybe Ed was Denied a few times so he kept spending money till he got the Record as 6 weeks is to long to wait  each time when you keep getting denied.   
If your going to say I said something don't use parts to bend what you say I am saying LOL Fact is you mis quoted me to get your Facts, "IMO" LOL   If it was me and I was Denied a few times I might start paying for it to be expedited too as 10 x 6 weeks is a long time but  1 time = 6 weeks wouldn't be IMO. LOL So why Pay $10,000 to expedite if he wasn't denied was my thinking and saying maybe he was denied, and I'm still Allowed to think what I do.  I also Said if someone Payed me $10,000 I would give them the Record too, so if anyone wants the "Mr. Hill Would Record Hot Pepper" PM me and Send me your money and Lab work ASAP as someone might beat you tomorrow when I get there money. LMAO 