Carolina Reaper problem

If the fungus/bacteria was in the soil, shouldn't all the leaves be affected ?:-?? could the fertilizer (I use 5 ml Chilli Focus fertilizer diluted in 1l of water) sprayed accidentally on the leaves + sun and very hot temperature cause those brown stains ? Thanks for helping, hope my Carolina doesn't die :(
I also grow Cherry Bomb Peppers and Bolivian Rainbow Peppers with same soil and same fertilizer and they are fine :-?
I have one reaper seedling doing this also that I haven't been able to pin down but I suspect its some deficiency. I upped my fertilizer amount and have been using some calmag with it and it seems to be doing better. I will post a pic of it later. I have a few reaper plants and seedlings and only one is showing it. But after I upped the fert amount and added some calmag the new growth is coming in nice. The new growth on yours seems like its slowly being affected as well, what is your soil and how often do you fert? I'm leaning towards deficiency of some sort or a ph prob is going on. Bacteria is a possiblility though but mine is a little worse than yours and has improved with the increased fert amount and a lil calmag added.
Im suspecting that the person who came and watered/fertilized the reaper while i was away, sprayed the fertilizer on the plant instead of using it only on the soil and the leaves got burned while staying in the sun. I fertilize the reaper once a week and the holes on some leaves are from accidently leaving my cat in the same room with the reaper :))

Im using this to fertilize the reaper. 5ml diluted in 1l of water once a week.
im using normal peat based compost soil for vegetables. Couldn't find a soil that is specifically for peppers. The brand is in Romanian nothing special
In both our cases I want to say its a magnesium deficiency or the mag is being locked up. Hense why the calmag has been helping mine.
Epsom salts.
I looked up chilli focus directions and it says to use 10ml at flowering stage, you can try the 10ml for a few feedings and see if that helps at all?