There is hope!
In my humble bucket garden I've been hit with quite a barrage of pests this year and for whatever reason the Jalapeno and Serrano are getting hit the hardest. The plants got hit with Aphids first, then an earwig population explosion (presumably due to the mostly absence of winter here) they really wrecked shop, almost killing my Basil and Jalapenos/Serranos overnight! This left the remaining leaves munched, diseased looking, and the plants were stunted. Big time. Well my tomatoes got the damn horned worms and they did some damage to the tomatoes before I squished them and killed them with fire!
But they really finished off the foliage on my runted Serranos. I'm not sure the type of hornworm, or if it is regionally different But I did find mine were leaving eggs that looked like pale green dots maybe the size of a pencil tip or smaller on the underside of leaves. Like these:
Well I didn't really document the pepper saga very well, here is the Serrano and how it is coping with being de-leafed and munched down. This is about 6-8 days after it was naked stems:
I'm just too stubborn to admit defeat! It's little and way behind, but it's alive!
That is vegatable oil next to it to try and attract earwigs, in case anyone was wondering.
Also shout out to mantis homies helping me hold it down out here:
EDIT:BTW folks, after reading the thread here on 30% sun shade I implemented that overhead of the plants and in the afternoon sun side. They all seem to have had a little growth spurt after that (including sad Serrano). I can't say with any conviction it was directly related to that, and not other factors. But currently "it aint broke" so I'm rolling with it.
Cheers pepper peeps!