• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CD's Offseason Season 2020-2021

I've been wanting to get an off-season glog for while now, so I bit the bullet and got things organized and some pictures taken over the past few days.  I have a mix of plants currently, including continued indoor plants; some just started; OW's I cleaned and quarantined and will be actively growing inside; and OW's that will simply be sustained until warmer months.
I'll kick things off with a cool gift a friend sent me the other day.  I haven't had an advent calendar since probably elementary school days and I've certainly never had one like this before:
The 25 hot sauces of christmas.  Now, I can go through hot sauce quickly, but I'm not sure I can go through it bottle-a-day quickly ;)
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The new starts should have been planted earlier so they'd be finished producing before the 2021 starts need space, but I guess I'll figure that out when the time comes.
I dropped 3 Orange Fish seeds and all popped - shout out to CTB for these.  One is dark with antho, one seems to have none, and a third has at least some.  I'm keeping all 3 for now and will grow at least one with and one without.
Dark Fish
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Lite Fish
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Also underway:
Death Spiral
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Datil - thanks Tybo!
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A few Primotalii & an Orange Ripple - courtesy of CTB.
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And Carbonero Cream
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The last of the current sprouts are Lemon Spice Jalap's, which I started again because I thought I might want to cross them with one of the other new starts.  I've noticed the L Spice tend to have some recurring oddities, including "conjoined twin" pods and the growth habit, below.
"Normal" Lemon Spice:
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"Mutant" style Lemon Spice with odd single first true leaf and offset growth tip - anyone else seeing either of these oddities in L Spice?
20201127 LSpiceMut.jpg
CaneDog said:
Thanks wiri!  It's good for the spirit to have a few plants growing the cold dark months (or perhaps a few more than just a few  :rolleyes: ) and to be able to keep in touch with friends at the same time.
BTW, I managed to get hold of a few small curry leaf trees, recently.  They just finished a few weeks of pest treatment and fully-isolated quarantine - they arrived with evidence of white flies - and have now taken residence in my standard quarantine tent. I'll have to post a pic soon; they're cool little plants.
Yes it's does help to have some seedlings around for the next few mths,something to look forward to besides snow/cold.etc. ;)
Happy you were able to get the CLP...sorry about the WFs.glad you were able to be rid of them....they sure like to linger if approp., measures aren't
taken promptly,
Noted a few seedlings in one of my plants but their arrival was a surprise as I thought the plant was too young to produce seedlings
(a lil bit over 1+ yrs). They sprung up when I brought them in,so I just  decided to leave them be during their in-house period & do surgery :D next Spring.
Hoping one of my plants will flower next yr..that would be nice to see...really like the plant..I did apply some coffee grounds around the top soil when  they were
outside & it helped a lot.(acid -loving condition)..much luck with these going forward. ;)
I rearranged a grow table and snapped some pics in the process.
Of the 4 JZ x PJ F2's currently growing, this is the one I'm most interested in.  It's the darkest all around, flowers, pods, and foliage.  Nice little pollen dump from the flower.
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Shot of the foliage
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The Peach Frutescens is opening up a bit, but also getting a little leaf canoeing toward the growth tips.  I expect it should be a nice little bush by the time it starts producing.
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The little BB Hab just started flowering.
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The Orange Fish with heavy anthocyanin is staying quite dark - I think the T5HO 6500K bulb it's under is getting old and that it would be even darker under a new bulb.  I have 3 of the O Fish sprouts right now, 1 very dark, one a little dark, and one not dark at all.  I haven't noticed any sign of variegation yet, but they're still quite young.
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Purple Chacoense is growing out with more branching since being topped. This had much darker leaves under a different, newer T5 bulb before I moved and topped it, further suggesting this bulb is getting old.
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Growing tip of Rocoto CAP 1242 x Eximium CAP 1491 F2 showing some fuzz.  This continues to have the strongest fragrance of any pepper I've grown.
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Lastly, this is the "mutant" lemon spice jalapeno.  The first true leaf/leaves (?) came out rolled around the face and fused together, resulting in the growth tip growing laterally instead of up the center.  Seem all the "spice" jalapenos are prone to doing funky things.
20201212 LSpiceFused.jpg
DF - Lemon Spice should be very stable.  The description of how the "spice" varieties were made and stabilized is documented here - https://cpi.nmsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/60/2016/07/SpiceJals.pdf
I think they're good strong plants and the pods have great flavor, though they could have a little more zip to my taste. Maybe that's a result of my climate though, as I've heard mixed reviews with some people getting heat and others, like me, not so much.  No lemon taste ;) just lemon color.  They're definitely a good variety IMO and I'll be growing them again this coming season.
Happy to send you seeds if you want to give them a try - they'd be sure to arrive in time for the 2022 season ;)
PaulG said:
Cool to see all the flowers on the BB Hab.
With this good start, it should be a beasty
little bush by mid-summer!
It'll probably take that long!  It's all of about 3.5 inches tall right now  :)  Then again, yours was a beast so I know they have the potential.
I think I got it potted up just in time that it's rooted in now and should grow into this round of pods.
CaneDog said:
DF - Lemon Spice should be very stable.  The description of how the "spice" varieties were made and stabilized is documented here - https://cpi.nmsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/60/2016/07/SpiceJals.pdf
I think they're good strong plants and the pods have great flavor, though they could have a little more zip to my taste. Maybe that's a result of my climate though, as I've heard mixed reviews with some people getting heat and others, like me, not so much.  No lemon taste ;) just lemon color.  They're definitely a good variety IMO and I'll be growing them again this coming season.
Happy to send you seeds if you want to give them a try - they'd be sure to arrive in time for the 2022 season ;)
As usual CD dropping some knowledge! and with a .pdf to back it up. 
This is great. I was doing some research yesterday trying to figure out if "NuMex" peppers are hybrids or not since I've always been interested in crossing the NuMex Twilight with other varieties. I like how the pods change colors and would like to be able to introduce that trait in a better tasting pepper (as well as saving some seed for the future). What I found was not very encouraging:
"The NuMex moniker signifies that this is a chili hybrid created at New Mexico State University (all of their designed hybrid chilies are labeled “NuMex”). The NuMex Twilight is a hybrid of the Thai ornamental pepper. The Thai ornamental is much hotter (50,000 to 100,000 SHU), but it doesn’t start off with that same beautiful purple hue."
So I'm glad you posted an official paper by Paul Bosland. I'll go through it and see if that answers some of my questions. Hopefully I can find something specific to the Twilight.
HeatMiser said:
As usual CD dropping some knowledge! and with a .pdf to back it up. 
This is great. I was doing some research yesterday trying to figure out if "NuMex" peppers are hybrids or not since I've always been interested in crossing the NuMex Twilight with other varieties. I like how the pods change colors and would like to be able to introduce that trait in a better tasting pepper (as well as saving some seed for the future). What I found was not very encouraging:
"The NuMex moniker signifies that this is a chili hybrid created at New Mexico State University (all of their designed hybrid chilies are labeled “NuMex”). The NuMex Twilight is a hybrid of the Thai ornamental pepper. The Thai ornamental is much hotter (50,000 to 100,000 SHU), but it doesn’t start off with that same beautiful purple hue."
So I'm glad you posted an official paper by Paul Bosland. I'll go through it and see if that answers some of my questions. Hopefully I can find something specific to the Twilight.
HM, have you come across this one yet?  https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7bce/4bb34d7c9998e0d3c2aaa136d2d7b2d8f31c.pdf
CaneDog said:
No, I didn't stumble across that one. That's what I was trying to find, and even more importantly - the search engine you linked to seems like a great resource for scientific papers. Thanks so much CD! Seems like they are established varieties, so the link I posted earlier is not really accurate - yes, they originated in the CPI, but they shouldn't be considered hybrids.
Search engines should include this kind of literature in their results (at least the ones that are freely available). It baffles me how hard these papers are to find - especially when we're trying to address the misinformation problem online.
Anyway, I digress - thanks again CD!
Hey Paul.  Thanks for checking in.  Things have been unusually busy and the offseason kind of got away from me, so I decided to simply focus on keeping the overwinter plants alive and happy.  I did drop a bunch of seeds into the germinator about a week and half ago, wilds, chinense, rocotos, frutescens, baccatum - everything but the annuums.  I'm just over 55% germination as of today, with the usual suspects (a/k/a the wilds) pulling down my numbers.
If all goes as planned I'll probably drop the annuums next weekend and start a new glog when I do.  I've definitely felt left out seeing what a great start you and so many others are off to.