• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CD's Offseason Season 2020-2021

I've been wanting to get an off-season glog for while now, so I bit the bullet and got things organized and some pictures taken over the past few days.  I have a mix of plants currently, including continued indoor plants; some just started; OW's I cleaned and quarantined and will be actively growing inside; and OW's that will simply be sustained until warmer months.
I'll kick things off with a cool gift a friend sent me the other day.  I haven't had an advent calendar since probably elementary school days and I've certainly never had one like this before:
The 25 hot sauces of christmas.  Now, I can go through hot sauce quickly, but I'm not sure I can go through it bottle-a-day quickly ;)
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The new starts should have been planted earlier so they'd be finished producing before the 2021 starts need space, but I guess I'll figure that out when the time comes.
I dropped 3 Orange Fish seeds and all popped - shout out to CTB for these.  One is dark with antho, one seems to have none, and a third has at least some.  I'm keeping all 3 for now and will grow at least one with and one without.
Dark Fish
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Lite Fish
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Also underway:
Death Spiral
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Datil - thanks Tybo!
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A few Primotalii & an Orange Ripple - courtesy of CTB.
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And Carbonero Cream
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The last of the current sprouts are Lemon Spice Jalap's, which I started again because I thought I might want to cross them with one of the other new starts.  I've noticed the L Spice tend to have some recurring oddities, including "conjoined twin" pods and the growth habit, below.
"Normal" Lemon Spice:
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"Mutant" style Lemon Spice with odd single first true leaf and offset growth tip - anyone else seeing either of these oddities in L Spice?
20201127 LSpiceMut.jpg
CaneDog said:
Hey Paul.  Thanks for checking in.  Things have been unusually busy and the offseason kind of got away from me, so I decided to simply focus on keeping the overwinter plants alive and happy.  I hear that, buddy. Hope it's been a good busy and not emergencies busy.
I did drop a bunch of seeds into the germinator about a week and half ago, wilds, chinense, rocotos, frutescens, baccatum - everything but the annuums.  I'm just over 55% germination as of today, with the usual suspects (a/k/a the wilds) pulling down my numbers.
If all goes as planned I'll probably drop the annuums next weekend and start a new glog when I do.  I've definitely felt left out seeing what a great start you and so many others are off to.
Looking forward to that. I suppose that
when you post your grow log, the first
seedlings will already be 12" tall at the
rate you grow!
I hope we didn't screw the pooch by starting
around the first off February. I'm hoping the
later start will allow plants to be kept in the
greenhouse longer before plant-out without
getting so big and unwieldy.
Good luck getting underway, buddy!