• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Celeste grow log 2010

I been encouraged to post my progress. well, I have seedlings so I guess I'll start!

So, I know I have here somewhere when I started these- I guess its been a week or two?

I'll look it up

I was told to start my scorpions now- so here are my Trinidad scorpions that patrick sent me and Yellow Scorpions-CARDI from Cappy:


and first up- THE YELLOW!

as of 02.01.10 I had three seedlings, and this evening, 02.02.10 I have two more.

They are in a kritter keeper (with plastic wrap on top to holdin humidity) in a large aquarium in a cold room in a south window (but we aint been getting no sun) so they have a hermit crab heater under them and a full spectrum 40 watt above them and been staying between 80 -90 F, I think thats good? and yes, I know I need to go buy a grow light from Wally World, at least until we have a few days without clouds.

My dad has given me some Miracle gro potting soil for the next pot up, and some Schultz 20-30-20 plant food for when I need it, and ya'll can be as free with the advice as ya wanna be, becuase this is my first serious attempt at growing food in a dozen years!
HAHA I agree. 12 is just not enough. Maybe go for 50 or 100.:lol:j/k You don't need an actual grow light. I use a shop lights that you can get from Lowes or Home Depot for about $9 each. Works just as good as the overpriced grow light I bought when I first started from seeds several years ago.

Good luck!
There you go!

You need to get the seedlings under some light Celeste. Any kind of florescent will do for now. It needs to be right on top of them too, within a couple of inches. You can move the seedlings too as they don't need the warm soil anymore. You're doing great lady.
You are off to a good start. Definetely get them some more light, and since you are using miracle grow potting soil when you pot up, don't be in a hurry to fertilize them as it is easy to overdose them with nitrogen since the MG soil contains a lot of nitrogen.
I figure they still need the heat since the Trinidads havent come up yet. I'll pick up the light payday- in the meantime they do have the incandescent, and we are occassionally getting sun in that south window. they'd be under 70 degrees if I didnt keep the heat under them, goes down to nearly 60 there.

I will be growing more, Nova- I'm going to start the habs and the Fatali's and the Aji Limons when I'm told its time to start them (remind me Patrick)-and my "garden" is a 10 foot square second floor deck. My dad is going to give me 3 gallon icing buckets- they're white, so that should be good. I'll drill holes in the bottom and put drip trays under them.

I wonder if I could grow the seeds from these Thai chili's I picked up? are green thai cilis ripe or no?
Matt50680 said:
From what I understand, they dont have plantable seeds until they turn yellow, red or orange, but I may be wrong.

The odds for viable seeds from green pods are bad but above zero. I had about 10%-20% germination with seeds from green but already corking jalapenos and from green cayennes but no germination with seeds from green poblanos and serranos.
update. The 6 Yellow scorpion CARDI all came up just fine. The two red Trinidads were all that popped, one looked good and strong and the other was a runt with just one cotyledon (becuse the seed husk stayed on it?) The strong Trindad had four true leaves a couple of days ago.

I've been checking on the seedlings once or twice a day, and moving the incandescent back and forth between each end so all got their fair share of light and heat (been cold and dark here). One day, I came home feeling really unwell, forgot to check them because I went straight to bed. The next morning I remembered, and my strong trinidad was withered. Not just wilted, dry and crispy looking. EEEEK! I knew what happened. the day before had been sunny AND the incandescent bulb had been over it. Off goes the bulb and I watered everyone quick. I dont have much hope but plants can surprise you. I finally remembered to pick up the florescent grow light, repotted all eight plants tonight. well, my little runt trinidad is putting up the good fight, its started a true leaf. I havent giving up on the first plant yet- while the original leaves didnt actually perk up or anything, I think I see a new point of green at the top. the stem is also still striaght and strong looking. So I repotted it too, hoping the extra fertilizer in the miracle gro soil will help.

The others were starting to fade in color, and all of them had been leggy so I planted them up to their bottom leaves. I was able to arrange the grow light to be right on top of them, so we'll see how this newbie with the not-so-green thumb does.

When should I start my habeneros and Aji limons?
I would say that whenever you have room would be a good time to start them Celeste. The worse thing that can happen is that they will get a little bigger than the rest of your plants.
I have already started my habs Celeste...chinense are slow growers and usually long season plants...so I would say start as quickly as possible...

good luck this season...
Okay, there is a lovely green sheen to the top of the potting soil around all of my peppers. I want to say its algae. or maybe moss. is this a problem?

The "runt" Trinidad is suddenly growing like gangbusters, looks like its trying to catch up to the others. Most of the cardi's leaves had started to show tinges of yellow just before I repotted into Miracle gro soil, now most of them have at least one pair of dark green leaves. one still looks yellow, though, and hasnt really grown snice I've moved them. since they were all leggy I had repotted them buried up to their cotyledons, and I have the new grow light just as close as I could possibly make it to the leaves. they are all repotted and positioned exactly the same closeness to the light, the only difference being that there is a south facing window on one side of my setup- and I imagine that throughout the day they get differing amounts of sunlight (now that the sun is occassionally shining). (I am never home in the day, so I cant check).

Ookay, now I am all fascinated by young plants like I was about baby spiders. Biology makes such an interesting hobby! :)
Celeste...that green sheen is like you say, algae...a little corn meal sprinkled on top of the soil will take care of the algae, down side is it makes it a little "crusty"...not really a problem but a side effect....

the other option is 1 Tbsp peroxide per gallon of water and that will take care of it to...
You sound like a pro Celeste that's awesome. Pepper plants are pretty hardy and will survive some neglect so don't worry about it. You're going great lady.:)
today, weds 3/10. Looked the pepper plants over. My runt is doing its best to catch up!:onfire: good thing, because the other trinidad is just dead:tear:

5 of the Cardi's look fantastic, two of them have really big leaves, the other three what they lack in size of leaf they are making up for in quantity. One hasnt grown, and is looking like its not going to. executive decision time- take out whats not working.

This gives me room to start more seeds, so, looks like 8 Aji Limon seeds, so I start eight of those(I have really fallen in love with this pepper powder, I dont use black pepper any more- at least not as long as this lasts, so I hope to grow plenty) which gives me room for 4 more, so the fatalis get planted, too.

Hmm, no room for the habs that brought me here to begin with. How did that happen?
I may have to pick up another heat pad friday and start the habs somewhere else in the house. Gots to be making some hab poppers for my birthday in August, if thats possible. And that lovely "Habenero tonic" from the habenero fairy. I'd better pick up more grow lights. And if I buy potting soil every payday from now till I need it, I may have enough.

I'd better purge my house of all unnecessary things. got to have more room for art supplies, tarantulas, and peppers. definitely have to get different furniture for these vocations/avocations!
Hey Celeste,

Sounds like you're off to a great start! I have some of that green stuff on one tray also, so I'm gonna do the cornmeal thing AJ suggested.

repotting with pics!

I repotted again today. They had started in bathroom dixie cups and moved up to slightly larger paper dixie cups, today they moved into larger plastic cups.

This one had got close enough to the light to get a little burn:

This is the one that lived right next to it, huge leaves:

These grew lots of leaves instead of big ones:
The red trinidad seems like it wants to give me a hug!

The whole crew repotted (yellow trinidad CARDI's in Blue cups, red trini in red cup)

I trimmed off thier cotyledons. I was worried that in repotting them their roots may have been exposed to air as the dirt around them loosened quite a bit in the transfer, and I want sure I actually got the new soil all around them as I put them in. all the cardis were starting to be root bound- they all had fuzzy white roots by the edge of the cups. the little red trini had roots sticking out of the bottom, I would guess to reach the water. These dont seem like very big cups- I think they may only be 16 ounce. (dollar store)

they will be put into 3 gallon icing buckets to go outside- but I wont be able to put them outside for at least another month. I know AJ only does three repottings but it seems with my space limitations I am going to have to increment them up, so that I can still move around the room and be able to move them in and out without injuring myself during hardening off. I think the final repot will be into the buckets onto the deck. good grief and I've started more seeds. time to go purge the kitchen of unneccessary furniture and appliances!