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Central Market Score....

Thanks all...I am definitely going to save the seeds from some of these...it would be my luck they are hybrids and won't produce a thing...or tepin size habs... :lol:

The taste of these peppers is outstanding...they are hot like a O. Hab but taste more fruity...to me anyway...

Having spaghetti tonight and going to cut one or two up and put it in mine...will offer the wife some if she wants...
chilehunter said:
yes all are expressions but the 2 listed above are more so a expression thats vague & not gender related, as opposed to the "I hear YOU man"
you put the word "you" in it then IMO yes you are making it gender specific W/ the gender word.

but whatever the case - you go girl! ;):lol::P
You're a strange person. You seem to argue from habit.

You do know it makes people not like you, right?

The question was rhetorical.