Charcoal vs Gas, what do you use?

They make pine pellets? I would think the creasote would build up but they are dried and processed

I should try pellets in my smoker :thinking hmmmmmmm
For my grill, I like gas. For the same grill time, charcoal costs more. I have more control over temps with gas and after only a few minutes, I am good to go. I can cheat and add a pan of chips if I want more smokey flavor. I spent alot of time in Alaska where everyone grills at all hours all year round.
hillbilly chili dont thank me, because I didnt do anything or add that link. I was just asking questions. I dont want to take credit for something I had no part of, even if its positive for me.
but if no one wants to take the credit, well then :hell:
DEFCON Creator said:
When I'm about to burn a recently slaughtered creature of Nature, and consume the said critter in a gluttonous frenzy after it has been cooked, I'm not really concerned about the ozone layer.

That was quite the amusing statement. :mouthonfire: Now that you mention it, I never really think about the ozone layer while I'm using my barbecue either...

fdaniels said:
Since Thanksgiving is coming up, allow me to say I never cook a turkey in the gas grill, always skoked in the Weber kettle.

A Weber kettle makes a disturbingly delicious tasting turkey. I use a water bath surrounded by the natural wood charcoal. Which keeps the white meat from drying too much. Sometimes I'll soak the mesquite chips in water and use those too for some 'added' smokyness.

Barbecueing with a charcoal grill is what it's all about to me. :lol: -Lars-
I'm partial to gas for my grill and smoker. Being new to all of this I feel I can maintain more control over the process. Maybe when I get experienced like most of you, I'll have the courage to branch out and do it the old fashioned way.
I use both gas and charcoal, however I go with gas more often as it is much cleaner and no mess. In the colder months( Sept. thru May) I use an electric grill indoors and have great results. As you can tell I hate the cold.I even set my a/c to 80 degrees.:mouthonfire:
I am too lazy to quote page 1 and I don't want to start a war. I would just point out that if you are in the USA, you are a north american. Even in the southern point of Texas.

Anyways, I use my gas grill to light a pile of wood chips on the far right side of the grill. I then turn the gas off and add soaked wood chips every once in a while. This may not be great for the grill but I don't really care. I only turn the gas back on if the coals go out, or if the temp gets below 200 or so.

Lately I have gotten lazy, and after 1/2 hour or so of intense smoking, I put the ribs(or brisket or whatever) in a covered pan and put it in the oven at 220 for however long to finish it.
I have 2 small kids and babysitting the temp for 12 hours just isn't an option anymore!