grocery CHEESE!

Oh my!!

I've looked, on and off, for local retailers for Leerdammer for 20+ years without success. I was turned on to the brand by a Dutch friend in Amsterdam and was told "It's like the Velveeta of Holland". Being the cheese freak that I am, I finally convinced my to order it online for an EXTREME price and almost as much to ship.

My friend did not lie; this is ambrosia! It's Swiss, but sweeter and nutier. It's claim of semi-soft is, to me anyway, untrue. If Swiss is semi-soft then I'm wrong...

Who in America has seen this on a store shelf? I've heard it's one of the biggest sellers in Europe, but my truck only gets about 12/gallon, so Europe's out.

Hey Boss, how about a cheese section?
I've never had that cheese before but I will keep my eyes open. The way you describe it, it sounds pretty similar to French Madrigal. French Madrigal can be picked up at Nugget stores if you have any in your area. I'd be curious how the two compare side by side.
I've never had that cheese before but I will keep my eyes open. The way you describe it, it sounds pretty similar to French Madrigal. French Madrigal can be picked up at Nugget stores if you have any in your area. I'd be curious how the two compare side by side.

Mmm, that Madrigal sounds interesting as well. I haven't checked, but neither have I heard of Nugget around here.

But hey, CO Springs just got its first Krispy Kreme a month ago...๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹
I've heard of Leerdamer, but have never had it (that I recall.) I love Swiss cheeses in general (not the sliced "Swiss" cheese in the deli case, but REAL Swiss cheese.....of which there are, of course, MANY varieties.) Ok, well, to be honest, I love cheese in general as long as it isn't blue. :)

I'll keep an eye out. Have a couple of good cheese mongers in my neck of the woods.....
Allot of the best cheese dont leave Europe. So unless theirs an actual "German/Dutch" store localy, its rare to get the speciality cheeses.
๐Ÿ˜‚ Sounds good? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Neil, you may be absolutely right. I ordered this from who's in Huntington Beach CA. The product arrived quickly in a cold-pack styro box, but the price AND the shipping was restrictive. I likely won't be doing that again.

Boss, I kinda meant popularity, not so much flavor or physical similarity. Everyone knows Velveeta ain't cheese, though I was raised on it...๐Ÿฅธ๐Ÿฅธ
Leerdammer is (from what information I can find online, I never tasted it) not actually not that different from some of the most sold cheeses here in Norway that you can find in any supermarket. Here a KG of Leerdammer cost around 35 USD. Abut twice as much as the Norwegian cheese, probably due to some import tolls. The Norwegian Jarlsberg cheese is supposed to taste very much the same (sweet and nutty). I know that Jarsberg is made on license in the US as well, so you might get a hold of it for a better price?

Last year I was lucky enough to be able to visit and make cheese with Ostegรฅrden here in Bergen. Their famous cheese "Fanaost" won the World Cheese Awards back in 2019 and was crowned the best cheese in the world. We added some of my hot sauce to their award-winning cheese, and the result was... fantastic :) I really hope to do it one more time on a larger scale. Unfortunately (for me, not them) they canยดt make enough of their cheeses to meet the demand, so they don't really want to do it again any time soon.

It's yellow.....that counts, right?