Chefs and super hots

salsalady said:
Picture book.....
Gourmet sitting by the fire/woodstove/heater sipping a Hot Toddy with rain/snow out the window...
Gourmet sitting on the porch with hummingbirds, bees and spring flowers and a nice chardonnay...
Gourmet sitting in front of the AC unit with a tall frosty one...
Gourmet sitting at the kitchen table with a lovely carved pumpkin with some mulled wine....

That's an awful lot of gourmet sitting. There should be some standing involved.
Captain Caliente said:
That's an awful lot of gourmet sitting. There should be some standing involved.

...and at no point in the picture book is the gourmet actually cooking anything.....
Kind of like what is on some TV cooking shows.... 
OK, I don't know where this was going.  Just having a bit of fun.  I think Boss just created his own quote so that should be up on Wiki pretty soon.  I definitely agree with Ashen!  Spice Rools!
I suspect seasons affect my tolerance mostly due to differing levels of access to fresh and hot pods. As in, around now I'm sampling while raw pods and acting a fool, so a bowl of K-Town's most spicy Dolsot doesn't faze me. But in late spring, by then all i have is grocery pods, powders, and sauce. I still eat spicy, but i tend to prepare food to my comfort level, rather than sampling straight Superhot pods, comfort level be damned.

But i hadn't considered other seasonal factors, such as allergies, cold/flu season, other shit i might be eating, or other factors too arcane for a schmoe like me to comprehend. Hmmmm.

All i can really say about that is, nothing clears clogged sinuses quite like spicy food.
Bicycle808 said:
I suspect seasons affect my tolerance mostly due to differing levels of access to fresh and hot pods. As in, around now I'm sampling while raw pods and acting a fool, so a bowl of K-Town's most spicy Dolsot doesn't faze me. But in late spring, by then all i have is grocery pods, powders, and sauce. I still eat spicy, but i tend to prepare food to my comfort level, rather than sampling straight Superhot pods, comfort level be damned.

But i hadn't considered other seasonal factors, such as allergies, cold/flu season, other shit i might be eating, or other factors too arcane for a schmoe like me to comprehend. Hmmmm.

All i can really say about that is, nothing clears clogged sinuses quite like spicy food.
You do realize that a bottle of immature,gourmet super hots has so much vitamin C that it might as well be a bottle of cold/flu medicine.
MikeUSMC said:
"Gourmet cold/flu medine" :rolleyes:
Captain Caliente said:
It's in the book.
salsalady said:
pepper juice with some sugar syrup= $$$$$$  :lol:
Yes, always thank you to the people and their families who serve and protect.
Ashen said:
Chuck in some guava (almost as much Vitamin C as green Chiles) and ginger for anti-nausea and you would have something more effective than most commercial cold remedies. :) yum
they just don't make that "Gourmet Cough Syrup"  like they used to  ;)

can't feel sick when your unconscious  :rofl: