• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Chewi's 2013 Grow - A Tale from North Texas

So, figured it was about time to start this year's glog since my neighbor up in Amarillo started his this morning. Thanks for the inspiration P. Dreadie! Also, thanks to everyone who sent me pods and powders last year. It really helped in planning for 2013!

Most of my plants struggled through last year due to not enough direct sun syndrome. As you can see from this picture, I have quite a canopy of trees. I have trimmed back quite a bit this winter and will take as much as I can right before plant out. Also plan to have a few planters by the carport as well as an additional few plants behind the fence. (you can't even see the back fence in this picture there are too many trees.


So, anyway I have a few OW and a few new seedlings from John Ford up in Oregon:

Not Peter



Aji Joe's Chocolate Hand Grenades


Everyone is just sitting in the window on sunny days, and in the ghetto grow cabinet when its overcast and the boss isn't here.

Sprouting the Birgit's Locoto for the grow down, but that one is at the house. More plants on the way in a few more weeks.

Say a prayer for less than 100 days over 100 degrees!
Thanks Ramon and Jamie, you guys are too kind! I'll have an update on the temple soon. Looking good, but its getting plenty hot out there. Almost shade cloth time I think!
Hi Rob,
   Nice looking grow you've got there. Do you have all of your chiles in the GrowCamp, or are some outside too? It's great they you got ladybugs to establish a perimeter around your plants, but to be really effective you've got to put together a combined-arms force like Shanes... He's got the Ladybug infantry supporting the Preying Mantis tanks with Dragonflies providing air cover... ;)  Cheers!
Chewi said:
Thanks Ramon and Jamie, you guys are too kind! I'll have an update on the temple soon. Looking good, but its getting plenty hot out there. Almost shade cloth time I think!
I have no doubt with or without shade cloth you'll figure a way to make dem rock on!!!
well four months later here they are. the initial plan was to put the plastic covers on when it cools down, but they have outgrown the space inside. spitting out pods now that the weather has cooled off!
Black Stinger

There actually 3 plants in this one. Chocolate Hand Grenade, Not Bahamian Goat and one other waiting on full grown pods to see what it is.

More Choco Hand Grenades


Yellow Cardi Scorps

Bonda Ma Jaques

Anyway much better year than last year for sure. :cheers: