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breeding Child of Trinidad (BS Yellow cross?)

I've been watching one of my BS Yellow plants as it has been looking a bit different than the rest, specifically, the pods looked a bit off and I've been waiting to see if it would ripen to a color other than yellow. Sure enough... my initial impression is creamsicle.


I left it on the plant another day to see if it would keep changing color. It got a little darker, but nothing drastic. It might have gone to red if I was a bit more patient, who knows.



Later pods have a more regular, picturesque appearance, albeit not as pimply:


Flavor was an explosion of fruitiness before I was overwhelmed by the heat. I'm not equipped to handle supers quite yet. Here is the bastard child chilling with his brothers and sisters:


Just goes to show crosses can pop up anywhere, anytime, when you least expect...
Are you growing Douglah? It looks like it could be a douglah cross? Maybe brown 7 pot ? Sweet looking pod! Save the seeds bro!!
Are you growing Douglah? It looks like it could be a douglah or Naga cross? Sweet looking pod! Save the seeds bro!!

Any of the Trinidad bunch are likely culprits... seed came straight from Judy, so there are a lot of fun potentials there. I won't pretend to know much about the Trinidads aside from their notoriety.
By the look of it, its a 7pot but as to which type who knows... I got some last season that were of yellow 7pots... and had the same pimple look.... Keep the seeds and see what next season brings you...
Seeds look ripe too me so I don't think you picked it too early. Awesome looking pod and even better it tasted great :D