Chile Experiences!!!

Alright, so I am pretty new to this forum, and I am composing my list of seeds to collect this winter. It got me thinking, "Boy, I wonder what everyones favorite chile was and what people thought was the hottest?"
I would like to here all of your stories, all of your opinions about all things hot. Give me suggestions and ideas on what to grow and what is good!

Thanks Everyone!!! :D
whale cum from Sandy Eggo! :welcome:
there are a few different ones that i like each one has a time and a place. i found out on at this place that the search bar does a lot of good when looking for answers! take time, grab a beer, do some reading, it will open your eyes to who knows what about peppers! you find most of your answers by searching, if you do not find the answer then by all means post it up! go look at the "growing" section and look at all the amazing pictures and peppers that members here took time to grow, and by seeing and reading their grow logs you will see the trial and tribulations they took on the journey! it did me LOTS of good! it gave me a better understanding of the love of the pod! it has been awesome, and there are lots og great people here that want to help because at some point we were all in your shoes! now go have fun reading and looking at all the pepper porn that fills these threads!

Favorite overall is the biker billy jalapeno. Favorite superhot so far is the 7 pot brain strain. Favorite in my mango salsa is the caribbean red hab. The most painful was a douglah. But my favorite thing about peppers is the wonderful variety!

BTW :welcome: from So. Cal.
7pots and Nagas! although I have been eating every chile I could find for 20 yrs or more, this is my first yr w/ superhots and I love them all the 7pots and nagas especially! :hell: This is my first yr growing and was lucky enough to find the Garden Web with just 12 starters in the ground from the farmers market, that led me here, I started germinating my first batch april 1st( late I know) but have had four more germination projects since, i am waiting on the last of the fifth round of plants to ripen there pods, the joy of having my own peppers growing was so great I am up to 162 plants this yr and have plans for @ least 250 next yr and of course I will start my superhots in january next yr! good luck to you :beer:
Can't really pick one favorite but for fresh ones I really like Biker Billy jalapeño, fatalii, Jamaican scotch bonnet, and chocolate habanero. Dried, I like pequin, chiltepin, New Mexico, and guajillo.

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T and Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga blend are the hottest I've had, they're seem about equal imo. Regular Trinidad Scorpion, 7 Pod Douglah, and 7 Pod Jonah are next after that. Haven't had a Brain Strain yet but everyone seems to think they're right up there with Butch Ts. Favorite superhot for flavor is Trinidad Scorpion.
I would have to say the dried butch T that i did back in march/april was the hottest ive had, my favorite super hot is the Brainstrain OR the white 7 pot/pod. my most disliked pepper is the barrackpore, didnt really like that too much. my fav non superhots are chocolate habaneros and Thai Dragon (kung pao). y'all should check out my videos if you havent seen them yet.
For green chile I like NuMex Barker's XXX hot, and for stuffing I like Poblano peppers.

Other favorites include Jamaican Hot Chocolate, Fatalli, Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet, and Caribbean Red. Some Peruvian White Habaneros I tried were pretty good too.

I don't have a lot of experience with superhots so I can't comment on them except to say Bhut Jolokias are hot and I ate some "NuMex Scorpion" mash that was pretty good.

I love Jalapenos but haven't tried Biker Billy. The Chichimecca Jalapenos I tried earlier this year were huge and delicious.

I really like Chiltepin as well.