• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Chile Pequin (Bird Peppers)

This is spam and you did it in your first post. We're really not interested in what you are selling......


If you post We/our/my company has... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my product is... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my customers'... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my will be announcing... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my test results for our... - you are selling something....
If you post We/our/my can make or supply that... - you are selling something....
Let's go to dictionary.com and see what they say about "wild"?

(Quote)growing or produced without cultivation or the care of humans, as plants, flowers, fruit, or honey.(Quote)

Seems to fit to me.

starflames are you selling these seeds? I haven't seen anything in this conversation that would indicate you are. If you are there's a forum for it. If you're not, say so.
Hey Patrick,

That is a GREAT definition and that is exactly what we mean in this area when we say "WILD" peppers.

And look, all I said in my first post was that, "I do have" a healthy supply of these seeds. You can go back and read the whole thing. So perhaps, according to Willard, that may be considered as spam. And then in Post #12, I felt compelled to say more than I ever intended to initially. So if the line wasn't crossed in my first post, then it may have been on this one. And YES, to your question, but just as I've done that, I've also freely given and exchanged.

So again I say, if the Moderators feel they need to move, remove or delete this thread entirely, they know they can. And even though most of you have been very kind, I thank you for that, I guess I'd prefer to see this thread closed and make everyone else happy.

Perhaps it wasn't the experience I was expecting, but some of you made it worthwhile.

With this I leave and will no longer response to this thread. If any of you would like to pm me, that's fine.
