food Chili Dogs

A couple of Hebrew Nationals, my wife's homemade chili, a handful of chopped scallions, and a couple of chopped Congo Trinidad pods fresh from the chili dogs ever!

Right when I sat down to eat this a Sonic Drive-In ad came on the TV, with the talking hot dogs...In their wildest dreams they could make this!

The small brown pods also on the plate are from an anomalous bush that came up in the Congo row. They taste like some real nice Habaneros to me, so I reckon they must be Chocolate Habs? Having never tasted one, I wouldn't really know....

chilidogs 13sep2011.jpg
Thanks! I'll get the recipe from my wife and post it here. It's not real spicy, though, at least not for a chile head. My dried Thai Chile pods are about as hot as she can take it...She assumes that I will jack it up after it gets to the table...
A couple of Hebrew Nationals, my wife's homemade chili, a handful of chopped scallions, and a couple of chopped Congo Trinidad pods fresh from the chili dogs ever!

Right when I sat down to eat this a Sonic Drive-In ad came on the TV, with the talking hot dogs...In their wildest dreams they could make this!

The small brown pods also on the plate are from an anomalous bush that came up in the Congo row. They taste like some real nice Habaneros to me, so I reckon they must be Chocolate Habs? Having never tasted one, I wouldn't really know....

chilidogs 13sep2011.jpg
Gary my man! You are making me really hungry :dance: . And I love your volunteer choco habs. What an excellent find! :hell:
Looks like some good fixins!......Where's the "Brew"...
Thanks, pic! Good question! These two dawgs actually took a couple of cold ones...

Choc Habs have a kind of passionfruit flavour, followed by an almighty heat!

Thanks, Nova. That sounds really nice. I'm not sure if these chiles have the passionfruit flavor you mentioned, however, I have bad sinuses and don't catch subtle nuances like I did in my younger days.

The little brown pods do not taste like their Congo Trinidad row mates at all...They seem closer to the Orange Habanero to me. I think the real Chocolate Hab you described definitely needs to be in my 2012 Grow!
Not sure Jay but you seem to be the only one who mentioned it :lol: