food Chili -Honey Sausage Bites

Chilli and Honey Sausage Bites

By: Rachel C
Dec 13, 2008

A favourite in our house either at parties or just because we fancy a 'picky food' evening meal - very easy to adapt to your personal preference for heat and flavour by substituting hot sauce for sweet chilli, or a jelly or jam in lieu of honey for a fruity edge. You could even use speciality sausages but I use just 'bulk' frozen from the supermarket. Quantity makes enough for 4-6 pieces for 6 people
SERVES 6 , 32 pieces


8 sausages
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon sweet chili sauce
1 tablespoon sesame seed


1. Grill/broil the sausages until cooked. Once cooked, cut each sausage into 3 - 5 pieces, depending on sausage size and how delicate you want your 'bites' to be!

2. Put the honey and chilli sauce in a pan and warm on a low heat. When it starts to lightly bubble, add the sausage pieces and toss in the sauce for a few minutes. Do not overheat or cook for a long time or the honey-chilli mix will turn to brittle toffee and you'll have burnt toffee-sausages when they cool.

3. Toast the sesame seeds in a dry pan on a low heat for a couple of minutes, tossing regularly. Tip the sausages into a serving bowl and sprinkle the seeds over the top. Serve slightly warm for best flavour.
Oh bloody hell....My mouth is watering...

I am so going to try this.....I might use some spanish sausages and add some sweet herbs....

Thanks Jackie.
Hmmmmm that sounds interesting!
I will be getting 1/3 of a hog soon. I guess the sausage from the hog I'm getting might be put to a different use now.

BTW, If you dont mind could you post pics of this when you make it next? I am a "visual" learner and if I see pics I can do alot better ;)
As far as I know you can use any sausage that you fancy, sweet or hot additions is up to you. I haven't tried this but going to give it a trial run before Christmas so I'll get some pics and post them.
Sounds great Jackie thanks. I guess you could use those little smokie type things from Hillshire Farms for this too. I'm picturing them, wrapped in bacon, THEN dipped in the sauce. If I make it I will post pics.
Can I add to your recipe? These would be great as pigs in a blanket with pastry dough with the sauce as a dip.
All of the suggestions sound great, now I'm hungry! Beer brats were on sale and taking up space in the freezer so probably will be the first experiment. said:
Can I add to your recipe? These would be great as pigs in a blanket with pastry dough with the sauce as a dip.

Oh YEAH....I can taste it now.....If i did that, (and now i have to...:lol:) I would take the sausage out of the skin....and add herbs, aged cheese and sliced jalapenos....

Damn i'm going to do it now.......:D
Thanks for the recipe. I'll be serving these at a class I am teaching: "HOPS and HEAT- Big American IPAs and fiery food.

Here are the other recipes I'm using:

Black Bean and Chorizo Mini Chalupas
1/2 medium onion, chopped
4-6 habanero peppers, finely diced
6 ounces (Mexican style) chorizo sausage
1/2 can refried black beans
6 corn tortillas
Shredded cheese
Fresh cilantro

Sauté onion in oil for a minute or two, add chorizo and cook until browned. Add black beans and habaneros. Set mixture aside. With 3.5 “ round cookie cutter, cut circles from corn tortillas. In separate pan heat 1/2” oil and fry tortilla circles until crisp, apx. 2 minutes each. Arrange fried tortilla shells on baking pan. Top with black bean mixture and top with cheese. Melt cheese under low broiler apx. 2-3 minutes. Garnish with cilantro leaves. Makes 12.

Jalapeno Baked Poppers
6-8 large Jalapeno Peppers
4-6 ounces of ground beef or sausage
Dash of soy sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
2 ounces of breadcrumbs
8 Ounces Shredded cheese

In bowl combine ground meat, bread crumbs, soy sauce, and 2 ounces of shredded cheese. Blend well. Cut jalapenos in half. Remove seeds. Stuff with mixture and place on baking sheet. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. Cover with more cheese the last 5 minutes until melted. Serve warm.

Naga Red Curry Fire Shrimp
12 medium raw shrimp, shells removed
1 tablespoon Red curry paste
1 tablespoon Naga chile sauce*
1 tablespoon Olive Oil
12 fresh basil leaves
12 bamboo skewers

In sauce or fry pan heat oil, curry paste and hot sauce on low heat and mix well. Let cool. Coat shrimp in curry mixture. Place shrimp on baking tray. Broil for 3-4 minutes until done. Thread basil leaf on skewer with shrimp. Serve warm or at room temperature.

* If Naga sauce is not available use the hottest all-natural habanero sauce you can find. Add habanero powder for more heat.
Well I had a play with something similar to this tonight and I was pretty happy with the flavour.

I used:
Spanish Sausage mince
Spanish Hot Salarmi (thinly sliced)


1 tblsp of honey
2 tblsp of mango & paw paw chillis sauce
2 tsp of honey wholegrain mustard
1/4 tsp of ground corriander seeds
1/8 tsp of garlic powder
1/8 tsp of onion powder
A sprinkle of cheese

I really enjoyed these and the flavour was sweet yet spicy..

Next time I would make them a little bigger and use heaps more sauce as they were a little dry once cooked.




It's the next morning and I still have a little after taste from the sausage which is nice and I really enjoyed this meal.

I had an idea over breakfast. I'm going to use the same ingredience but stuff it onto a large field mushroom and bake it for 10 minutes.....I think the flavours will work really well toegther.

Turn it into a meal instead of a snack.....:)