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Chilli Tests "Cheiro Para"

This week Tested another From Brazil, Cheiro Para as with Most, theres not that much info about on most of these that have this season and as i can't speak Portuguese and my mate there can't speak English can't really ask "hey tell me all about these" most translators are crap and would prob come Out "he eats blue cheese" so have to go by what see

Its a Chinense and Solid, can see in the Vid that it wants to grow as mass roots coming out and the Pot is stopping it, oh well unlucky, when get more ground space will let it Rip but for Now its fed and watered so should be Happy anyway..


The Pods look Cool, sort of as Luke says little Habs, but they are ribbed and some have points so to me those look like countersinking Drill bits but yea little habs..


the Taste straight up ya get a light habish flavour then a tinge of sweet/fruity that borders on bitter and the heat hits fairly instant and builds a bit, to about upper Mid and stays for ages, its a stingy burn that liked, luke No and seemed to struggle a bit as didn't like the sting but ya get that.

asked too why he made the Monkey sound and.. was sitting there burning, as looked saw that was making a face that looked like a Monkey, so thought would make a Monkey noise, sorry... hahahahahha i don't care, just wanted to know why you did it.
so here's myself, monkey Boy and the Cheiro Para


one thing with these thats an added Bonus is its Probably 1 of 10 varieties this Year thats survived the Bug War of 2010 here, due to people renigging on buying other business was that flat out couldn't do stuff all in garden so 1st Up, Spidermites.. Ok Knocked them.. then it rained and Snails / slugs decided heaps of seedlings would be fantastic to eat.. resowed 50.. and most recently the Chilli Ebola causing Moth.. little moths that like deposit their lava into ripening Pods, ya will notice a lil black dot bout 1 cm from the top of the Pod and in a day little brown patchs appear "ah its been raining 2 weeks, its too damp" um Nope, few days Later the Pods turn to Mush or Fall off and turn to Mush sort of like the Ebola virus.. some Rogor and Neem and few weeks later everything flowering / podding Up so all good and back to usual... So these are Hardy Lil suckers and if have Black thumbs or Know some1 whom has, get them to give these a grow and they might get some greeness happening..

hope you enjoy

Hilarious video! Luke is the man! His hiccups gets me laughing my ass off every time. Nicely pronounced too, Cheirrrrrro Parrrrrra =)