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Chilli Tests "Congo Yellow"

Today got the chance to try the Congo Yellow as been waiting for yonks and always get sidetracked on way to them,, today Nope Had to do it. The Plants grow like the Congo Black (choc hab) big and solid, have 3 clumped and looks like a mini jungle, the Pods are a really coool yellow and Heaps


and decent size


The Hiccups hit Hard, the burn kicked in and was Excellent.Back of the throat and tongue caught up then a weird thing happened, my Gums started to burn and have never done that before, like all my gums, not the front inside of mouth,, that was going too.. It felt like sort of just been to the dentist and was a numb burn, Bizzare and couldnt get use to it. the burn seemed to concentrate and not radiate so again that was Diff.. the taste was a sweet fruity Hab taste and could taste it for Hrs later.

these are reallly cool both to grow and eat, Yeaa love these,, Heres the vid of

hope ya's enjoy

another fine video Neil...

I have got to grow the yellows next year...