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Chilli Tests "Devils Tongue"

The Devils Tongue,, i thought it was a Fatali as looks like, grows like and can't find any info on apart from Wrong shit But grew anyway thinking "ill test it and see for myself" didn't really pay much attention to it as was near the fatali's and wasn't until was weeding and saw the tag the other day and some fresh pods thought would do..

Well tie me to a fence and whip me with an Eel, Its Different not like AT alll.. heat level yes as its hot.. Taste though its nice and sweeet and its a sort of a sweet bonnetish/hab taste and it builds to a Decent level

heres the Vid...

the Plants are also like the fatalis in the way they Hate the sun,, both Varieties are coming out of yard next season and going round side of house in the 3/4 day shade where orig were

hope ya enjoy
Good one mate! Looks like it kicked your ass a little-- lol-- i figure in six weeks i will be getting my ass kicked by the naga morich.
My devil tongue is coming in way mor wrinkly. Can't wait to try this bad boy!

Great job as usual Neil, thanks.

FiveSix looks like you're going to be enjoying the same sweetness and heat, congrats to you too.

I didn't get any of these going this year, looks like next year's list just got a tad longer. Awesome!
I have 2 of these started at my house, but they are still very small.

I can't wait to get the back of my throat burned!!!!

Edited because I asked a growing question. I'll PM instead.....
Great test Neil, i have these seeds to grow next season and you have got me all excited! I wanted to grow them after tasting Stillz jerk sauce that stuff is amazing.
nice 1 fivesix, looks like a couple weeks ya be getting into them excellent

gonnna vid the Morich Allen ? they fun LOL

thanks Patrick, yeaa definatly grow these ya wont be dissapointed

nova got to come try these :) when can, have to get more of that naga water,, its great LOL
Mate i have a batch of water with about fifty times the amount of naga. Holy F it's hard to drink!
Good point on the Fataliis doing better in the shade Neil. Which plants do best in full sun? 7 Pot? Bhut? Chocolate Hab? We could do a thread just on best sun shade combo results. Nice job on the vid as usual and for clearing up the confusion on DT vs Fatalii and DT vs Red Savina.
Great video Neil. The devil's tongues that I grew years back were more rounded and orange than yours and had a definite Fatalii taste. I wasn't going to grow them again since they were so close to fatalii but now you got me thinking of doing another side by side trial with new D.T. seeds