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Chilli Tests "Hot Cherry"

Hi, im backkkkkk :onfire:

been a touch busy recently so not been here for a bit, still busy but employ people now so cool and will get to all the messages asap, soory

Anyway, as missed a test due to Sawtell festival thought would do 1 today and been looking at this growing, fruiting for ages and its beautiful the "Hot Cherry" got the seeds from Trini ages ago, thanks again (((hugs)))

this was drip fed in a bucket and just finishing now, nearly mid winter so fruited for Ages and Heaps Geez, the boys use to whack the pods with stakes and there was still heaps, love it.
Taste Oh thought be like an Ornamental and just be heat and no taste But Errrrrrrrrrrrr, as bit was sweet and then came this light hab flavour, only slight but was unreal. the heat hit at the back fairly straight up and rose to a good burn, then procedeed to slowly move forward, Unreal..

these are heaps cool and so glad finally tested them, gonna get heaps of non chilliheads into chillis with these as not really what ya expect a chilli to look like 1st, the heat wont kill ya but is still pretty good and it had taste, Yeaaaa there are great

hope ya enjoy.

oh yea, when looked around for bit of info on a few sites came up that sold them, so as ya do look to see as if they sell it, theyd grow it so have info that may be useful to add to info vid of? apparently they are 1.5 - 2 inch's and are great for stuffing ? i believe thats the Ball chilli can get them at Woolies here quite often..
Great video as usual Hippy. Interesting pepper, I think it was one of Sara's mother's favorites for cooking if I remember correctly. Too bad there isn't a more correct name to identify it properly and to know where it originates
Cool Video as usual Neil...
theHippySeedCo said:
oh yea, when looked around for bit of info on a few sites came up that sold them, so as ya do look to see as if they sell it, theyd grow it so have info that may be useful to add to info vid of? apparently they are 1.5 - 2 inch's and are great for stuffing ? i believe thats the Ball chilli can get them at Woolies here quite often..

That sounds like the Red Cherry Hot's that I'm growing right now. Are these the same as the Ball Chilli that you're talking about?



Blister said:
That sounds like the Red Cherry Hot's that I'm growing right now. Are these the same as the Ball Chilli that you're talking about?




Yeah this is the one i got too, bigger than the one Neil tried. Think its called Red hot cherry ball or something?
yes potawie, wish was more info about but can see why was sarah's mums fav, they great

the 1's in ya Pics actually look like baby red capsicums, the ball chillis are hanging not upright


like the 1's in this Pic, Oh this is my screen.. when went looking for info on the hot cherry this popped up and went "wow why is this Familiar"

ITS MY INFO NEARLY WORD FOR WORD.. But as a Hot cherry isnt 2", and if ya could stuff them with cheese be really good to see

if people are going to Pinch shit, Can ya at least put up the correct name as People will be thinking buying Hot Cherry's and they are Ball chillis..

sweet vid.
I appreciate that you are willing to eat these things first. You are probably the first one in a cold pool, too, huh?

I still show people your vid on the dorset naga.

Back-a-me-throat... Cheers, keep up the good work!