• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape.
I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best.
I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri)
And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome!

I will grow:
PeriPeri : mozambique
Habanero Orange
Peach Habanero
7pot red
7pot brainstrain yellow
Yellow Fattali
Choc habanero
Billy Boy Douglah
Butch T Scorpion

The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow

I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
nice list for growing u have there bro, hope they will give u some fantastic pods!!
Good luck with the examperiod!! Hope that u do well in school!
yeah good luck with your tests.. let us know how the plants are progressing.. pictures, pictures and more pictures.. So its almost spring down there? or are you far enough north to grow year around?
Hi guys,I have a small update! Sofar,I have two 7Pod re's that have opened up their small leaves,one mosambique peri peri,and the Yellow Fatallie still has to open its leaves.

This morning I noticed that two butch r scorpions have germinated,and one 7Pod brainstrain (yellow) has germinated.
All is going well (except for some of my grades,but I'm new).

Yesterday I dug a compost heap,I have alreasy cleaned the ground out ons a area,and put shadecloth in,2/3 of the area has strawberries and potato's,so we are waiting for the tractor so we can clean a huge piece of ground at the back (wich makes me excited). The shaded part is big enought to hold them all untill the each have 3 or 4 sets of leaves. I realy want to post pics..

Does anyone know how I can post pics? But I only use my cellphone

Cheers for now
Ps. Sorry about all the misspelling,I'm on the schoolbus and it jiggles a lot.
Wish I was in the 9th grade, my granddaughter Lilly is in the 6th!
With that said I'm impressed that you're doing your own grow, AND have some hot stuff in there too!
Growing these babies is mas contagious for sure!
Good luck this season!
Thanks Devv (:,yea,told some of my friends about growing chillies,they weren't too fond of the idea,untill I showed them some pics and names. Now they also want to grow peppers!

Haha,got these babies from two friends,realy cool guys.thanks

Chocolate trinidad scorpion
Bombay morich
Broome pepper
Butch T Scorpion
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon
7 pod brainstrain yellow
Billy Boy Douglah
Yellow Fatalli
Brown Habanero
7Pod Red
Orange Habanero
Peach Habanero
Well done J. Looking promising! Not sure if this will work, but try and use the "Image" option in the message composer than the "Link" tool for your images. This way, people will be able to see the image placed in your post than rather having to go to Photobucket ;)
Looking good!
Like this :)
Great start and hats off to Lourens and Conor for helping you get started \o_
Not sure how you’ll find the time being in 9th grade but the more power to you. Our 10th grader eats some mean chilies but doesn’t lift a finger to help me other than when I ask. Between his homework, swimming competitions, daily practice his time is very limited and my bet also is that he’s not yet interested in growing things like mama and I.
Hope you have an awesome season and we’ll be watching ^_^
Haha thanks Lourens! It kinda hard with the phone,cuz its a blackberry,the 8520,so I don't think I can,and thanks walkgood (:,yea,very busy! But ALMOST done with exams,and then,HOLIDAY :D
Oh yea,here,on the farm,I have made my first enemy,the mole..lol wish me luck with this one,these things make heaps of sand on all my strawberries and live here right next to the spot that we are going to clean out,the people told me tha put a small bucket at the bottom of the hole for the woles to fall into. They say once they fell in the can't get out becaus the keep trying to dig down,lol let's hope it works