• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape.
I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best.
I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri)
And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome!

I will grow:
PeriPeri : mozambique
Habanero Orange
Peach Habanero
7pot red
7pot brainstrain yellow
Yellow Fattali
Choc habanero
Billy Boy Douglah
Butch T Scorpion

The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow

I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
Not actually,I also thaught so at first,but then I remembered that
I planted all my periperi's in a seperate container.
I may be one of the following :

Chocolate trinidad scorpion
Bombay morich
Broome pepper
Butch T Scorpion
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon
7 pod brainstrain yellow
Billy Boy Douglah
Yellow Fatalli
Brown Habanero
7Pod Red
Your seedlings look like they have elongated leaves. Chinense have broad leaves that are more heart shaped. Well, whatever it is, you will find out once the pods change colour...
chilli whisperer said:
Lol thanks,we will see as when harvest time comes :P
If you eat a red pod that looks angry and the next day your eyeballs flush down the toilet, you know it was a ButchT :)
Hmmmm. It would be very very painful in the mouth, back of the throat and eventually the stomach. We are talking the sensation of someone burning your mouth and back of the throat with a red hot iron. The sensation of being stung by scorpions around the mouth. Cramps and heart burn like you have never experienced in your life. If you eat on an empty stomach I reckon you will probably be ready to call your local GP. Irrespective, you will more than likely vomit within minutes and suffer severe stomach cramps several hours later. The next day you will spend most of the day on the toilet and this could be very painful indeed. I would recommend starting off slowly with milder chillies and building your tolerance levels up to say a Bhut Jolokia which is about 1,000,000 SHU. Never eat on an empty stomach and always have antacid tablets or milk as a backup plan lol Those who are eating superhot chillies all started small and get hotter with time. But to reach straight for the hottest chillies and eat one of them - in my humble opinion - would be foolish and quite dangerous. I advise against such a thing :)
Hey everyone

I got some bad news :
Well,I lost a few seedlings,quite a few.

Here is what I got with the number of plants
next to the names :

Unknowns : 9
Chocolate trinidad scorpion 3
Bombay morich 1
Broome pepper 0 (there might be some in the unknown's)
Butch T Scorpion 3
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon 6
7 pod brainstrain yellow 3
Billy Boy Douglah 1
Yellow Fatalii 2
Brown Habanero 4
PeriPeri:Mozambique 4
7Pod Red 6

It dissapointed me a lot.
After school I planted all the plants into some pots.
I put the smaller ones under the light,I want them to grow a little more before they go in the shade.
The bigger plants are in pots on my stoop,they will be here till they are big enough to plant out again.

Here they are :


I think I was a little too excited and started
without decent planning,I will be taking good care of these plants now,I am writing my last subject this Tuesday,and then I'm on holiday,so I will have all the time to take care of my plants without going anywhere.
It REALY bummed me out :(

I decided that next year I will be putting up some shading nets,each variaty in its own section,so the don't cross (unless I do it myself).

The weather was super crazy here. The one day its as hot as hell,then the next day it rains lie there is no tomorrow (no jokes).
Here where I live it can be 39 degrees celsius in the morning,and then start raining very badly in the evening at this time of year.

I will keep you updated. Wish me luck :)
Sorry,pic didn't work,hope this one works :
chilli whisperer said:
Hey everyone

I got some bad news :
Well,I lost a few seedlings,quite a few.

Here is what I got with the number of plants
next to the names :

Unknowns : 9
Chocolate trinidad scorpion 3
Bombay morich 1
Broome pepper 0 (there might be some in the unknown's)
Butch T Scorpion 3
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon 6
7 pod brainstrain yellow 3
Billy Boy Douglah 1
Yellow Fatalii 2
Brown Habanero 4
PeriPeri:Mozambique 4
7Pod Red 6

It dissapointed me a lot.
After school I planted all the plants into some pots.
I put the smaller ones under the light,I want them to grow a little more before they go in the shade.
The bigger plants are in pots on my stoop,they will be here till they are big enough to plant out again.

Here they are :


I think I was a little too excited and started
without decent planning,I will be taking good care of these plants now,I am writing my last subject this Tuesday,and then I'm on holiday,so I will have all the time to take care of my plants without going anywhere.
It REALY bummed me out :(

I decided that next year I will be putting up some shading nets,each variaty in its own section,so the don't cross (unless I do it myself).

The weather was super crazy here. The one day its as hot as hell,then the next day it rains lie there is no tomorrow (no jokes).
Here where I live it can be 39 degrees celsius in the morning,and then start raining very badly in the evening at this time of year.

I will keep you updated. Wish me luck :)
Sorry,pic didn't work,hope this one works :
eish J, that sucks! But this game has its set backs. You gotta dust yourself off and keep going. On the bright side, you have enough fire power in those plants of yours to burn a small village. With temps like this you need shade netting, you would not need much... maybe your dad would assist?
Hey Lourens

Yea,at least I've got some left (:
Thanks,realy gave me motivation :)
Eish...shade netting costs quite a few here hey..how much % shade should the get??
Its not great when you loose plants and it never gets any better. But you are right, you still have a great line up there. That is a lot of fire power!
I think probably a 40% Shade netting should do it. Also, watering is crucial. Mornings and afternoon for sure. 39ºC in the morning is hectic. When they go in the ground, I would say create decent mounds for water retention and keep them roots cool... But it sounds like you will have to work hard to get them through the early stages. Once they are big enough they will just thrive ;)
Hi J...
You want to give them some time till they are big enough... especially seeing things are so hot where you are. I would wait till the base of the plants has bark on it... that is to say when the green stem goes hard (if this makes sense). Probably looking at plants that will be about 15/20cm in height. No less than 8/10 leaves... so quite big. I think anything smaller might just cook :neutral:
I am growing Ignites this season. I still have my one overwintered plant... but they grow slow and are tiny lol Smallest pepper plant I have ever seen. I have another two on the go. I just love these little guys... pods are tiny lol
chilli whisperer said:
Thanks for the tip :D will def. use it!
That's cool ay,I also saw this one pic of a pepper you poster,here it is :

What type is it? It looks realy cool!
J, struggling to see the image :(
Sorry about the losses, and Lourens is correct about starting out slow eating the hotties. The blossom end of the fruit has less heat, start out with slivers, they won't tear you up so bad.
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Hey everyone,my parents got me a bottle of seeweed extract and some potting soil (:
I'm still new at this,so when do I pu them in the potting soil and when do I give them some of the seeweed extract?
