"are a genuine bitebite bites"

Capsicum baccatum
Around these parts these suckers grow wild. As a matter of fact there's a bush or two out by my driveway...and they grew wild at the last house I lived at too. I bet these suckers are growing all over the place around here. You usually find them under trees because birds eat them, perch in trees, poop out the seeds an waa-lah! Pepper bush!
Somtimes called "chilipiquins" or 'chili piquins" and coloqually "bird peppers", many a Texas child has eaten these on a dare or been tricked into eating them by an older sibling who calimed they were candy. Ye-oww! These little suckers are hot Hot HOT! Some claim they're hotter than habaneros and while I have no idea of their Scoville ratings I kinda doubt that.
The ones growing out in my front yard are the tiny, BB sized ones. I'm thinking of making a tiny batch of hot sauce with 'em, just because I've never tried to cook with them before.
Anyone have any experience with these little devils?
here's what PEPPERWORLD! ( german website) had to say. I'm just c/p ing this because the google translations cracks me up:
Chiltepin - the "nut/mother of all Chilis"
Small however oho: Chiltepin are considered as the prototype of all Chilis. Still they grow wildly, and for Scharfschmecker the rare berries are a genuine bitebite bites. Here you find and prescriptions to background information.
With Chilis most humans think of oblong, spitzige schoten, like for example Cayenne. But at the beginning the sharp Fruechtchen looked whole completely differently, i.e. small and approximately, like bird berries. And birds were it also, which contributed South America over completely to their spreading. So correctly fierily were they however already at that time, because nut/mother nature in this way protected the berries from eating enemies, in particular rodents and other mammals. Birds however do not feel the sharpness of the Chili active substance Capsaicin.
Humans found however promptly favours at the sharpness and collected the tiny fiery berries already before approximately 9000 years. Already very soon one began with breeding and created many of those sorts, which still admits also today and are popular. Ancho/Poblano for example originates from the praekolumbianischen time, thus before the European discovery of the sharp schoten by Kolumbis into the Karibik - a region, which he regarded as India, and which red schoten for a kind pepper (see the Chili Story ).
In addition, the prototype of the Chilis, Chiltepin or briefly Tepin mentioned, could itself hold over the many thousand years, and it grows wildly in northern Mexico and in the south of the US Federal States Texas and Arizona. Dr. Francisco Hern�ndez was the first European, who described the Chiltepins, 1615 in the context of first systematic listing of the South American plant world.
It believes the Tarahumara Indian resident in the Mexican Sonora desert that Chiltepins would offer the greatest possible protection against Hexerei. One of their proverbs means even: "a man, who does not eat Chilis, makes himself suspicious the Hexerei". The Papago Indians from Arizona - which borders US Federal State north on Sonora - it is convinced that there is already the Chiltepins since the erschaffung of the earth.
Since more jeher Chiltepins have also their place in the Voksmedizin. From Mexico it is well-known that the sharp berries were handed when inadvertent swallowing of acid; in addition they were mixed zerstossen and with garlic, Oregano and warm water. Also there is to be a medicine in Mexico against Sodbrennen, whose active substance is won particularly from this Chili sort. Further diseases, which were treated allegedly with Chiltepins, are among other things neck inflammation, Ruhr, rheumatism and ulcers.
In the kitchen Chiltepins did not only serve in former times for peppering; since they work as Antioxidant, thereby also the durability of meat could be improved.
Getrocknete Chiltepin-Chilis
Small, strongly, sharply:
Chiltepin, the "Ur-Chili"
(beside 1-Euro-Muenze)
A sharp delicate-eats
Gourmets, which like it gladly fierily, estimate Chiltepins as a completely special delicate-eat, because them are characterised by a special flavour and a clear, cutting sharpness. Usually they are dried used. Since the Chiltepin shrubs in the desert must grow far scattered and be pulled the small berries laboriously by hand, they belong beside safran to the most expensive spices of the world. Particularly Salsas, soups as well as potting and bean courts lend the mini Chilis fire and flavour; as flakes they make each Pizza the experience.
Oh, it's funny.
you can read more PEPPERWORLD! " The sharpest from the world of the Chili Peppers!" here:
(for translation google it and use "translate this page"...it's fun!)

Capsicum baccatum
Around these parts these suckers grow wild. As a matter of fact there's a bush or two out by my driveway...and they grew wild at the last house I lived at too. I bet these suckers are growing all over the place around here. You usually find them under trees because birds eat them, perch in trees, poop out the seeds an waa-lah! Pepper bush!
Somtimes called "chilipiquins" or 'chili piquins" and coloqually "bird peppers", many a Texas child has eaten these on a dare or been tricked into eating them by an older sibling who calimed they were candy. Ye-oww! These little suckers are hot Hot HOT! Some claim they're hotter than habaneros and while I have no idea of their Scoville ratings I kinda doubt that.
The ones growing out in my front yard are the tiny, BB sized ones. I'm thinking of making a tiny batch of hot sauce with 'em, just because I've never tried to cook with them before.
Anyone have any experience with these little devils?
here's what PEPPERWORLD! ( german website) had to say. I'm just c/p ing this because the google translations cracks me up:
Chiltepin - the "nut/mother of all Chilis"
Small however oho: Chiltepin are considered as the prototype of all Chilis. Still they grow wildly, and for Scharfschmecker the rare berries are a genuine bitebite bites. Here you find and prescriptions to background information.
With Chilis most humans think of oblong, spitzige schoten, like for example Cayenne. But at the beginning the sharp Fruechtchen looked whole completely differently, i.e. small and approximately, like bird berries. And birds were it also, which contributed South America over completely to their spreading. So correctly fierily were they however already at that time, because nut/mother nature in this way protected the berries from eating enemies, in particular rodents and other mammals. Birds however do not feel the sharpness of the Chili active substance Capsaicin.
Humans found however promptly favours at the sharpness and collected the tiny fiery berries already before approximately 9000 years. Already very soon one began with breeding and created many of those sorts, which still admits also today and are popular. Ancho/Poblano for example originates from the praekolumbianischen time, thus before the European discovery of the sharp schoten by Kolumbis into the Karibik - a region, which he regarded as India, and which red schoten for a kind pepper (see the Chili Story ).
In addition, the prototype of the Chilis, Chiltepin or briefly Tepin mentioned, could itself hold over the many thousand years, and it grows wildly in northern Mexico and in the south of the US Federal States Texas and Arizona. Dr. Francisco Hern�ndez was the first European, who described the Chiltepins, 1615 in the context of first systematic listing of the South American plant world.
It believes the Tarahumara Indian resident in the Mexican Sonora desert that Chiltepins would offer the greatest possible protection against Hexerei. One of their proverbs means even: "a man, who does not eat Chilis, makes himself suspicious the Hexerei". The Papago Indians from Arizona - which borders US Federal State north on Sonora - it is convinced that there is already the Chiltepins since the erschaffung of the earth.
Since more jeher Chiltepins have also their place in the Voksmedizin. From Mexico it is well-known that the sharp berries were handed when inadvertent swallowing of acid; in addition they were mixed zerstossen and with garlic, Oregano and warm water. Also there is to be a medicine in Mexico against Sodbrennen, whose active substance is won particularly from this Chili sort. Further diseases, which were treated allegedly with Chiltepins, are among other things neck inflammation, Ruhr, rheumatism and ulcers.
In the kitchen Chiltepins did not only serve in former times for peppering; since they work as Antioxidant, thereby also the durability of meat could be improved.
Getrocknete Chiltepin-Chilis
Small, strongly, sharply:
Chiltepin, the "Ur-Chili"
(beside 1-Euro-Muenze)
A sharp delicate-eats
Gourmets, which like it gladly fierily, estimate Chiltepins as a completely special delicate-eat, because them are characterised by a special flavour and a clear, cutting sharpness. Usually they are dried used. Since the Chiltepin shrubs in the desert must grow far scattered and be pulled the small berries laboriously by hand, they belong beside safran to the most expensive spices of the world. Particularly Salsas, soups as well as potting and bean courts lend the mini Chilis fire and flavour; as flakes they make each Pizza the experience.
Oh, it's funny.

you can read more PEPPERWORLD! " The sharpest from the world of the Chili Peppers!" here:
(for translation google it and use "translate this page"...it's fun!)