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Chiltepin Galore

I just thought I should provide an update on my chiltepin growing. I've managed to get my entire Rapid Rooter mat to sprout using the paper towel in ziploc on a heat pad method. I transplanted them as soon as they showed signs of rooting. The two in the back with the toothpicks are Hermosillo Chiltepin, the rest are Texas Chiltepin. The mat next to it will be mostly Hermosillo Chiltepin, I'm just waiting on the rest of them to sprout.


The entire tray has been kept at a constant 82-85 degrees under a 4 tube T5 grow light that is about 8 inches above the mat. I'll be installing some fans soon to keep them sturdy and ready to be transplanted outside.

Once I have room, I'll be doing the same method to grow some Red Rocotos. There is only so much room on an 18" x 36" Metro rack.
Awesome! I tried to germ some Tepins recently, but gave up after a few weeks of inactivity. I totally envy you! Keep us updated, please.
That's a ton of tiny pods! My 3 Chiltepin Amarillo plants wore me out last year. Last count I was over 2000 pods from 3 plants before I gave up counting. I think I am going to direct sow some in the ground this year since that is how they came about last year and were huge! Best of luck in 2013.
Nice! Great starts! You do realize that if you keep all of those plants, you'll be swimming in Chilts! Don't tell anyone in your neighborhood about your plants, or they might raid them (Chilts are very expensive). Most households that have a Chiltepin plant here in Tucson have only one plant that provides enough for the family and then some for a year.

You'll have to start making your own Chiltepin hot sauce with all of the little peppers you're going to be picking!
Those seedlings look awesome. Wow I have heard of a RR tray but that thing looks like a chocolate cake. Nice work! Chilts sound prolific from the others I see. Hope you get lots and lots of peppers too!
dude awsome on the germination if there anything like my tobasco peppers were last year you are gone get tiered of pikin em you might have to get a few people to help you, cool logo texas tears sounds cool,
As some have mentioned you will have a tough time keeping up with those pods haha. Maybe you can hire someone part time just dedicated to picking tepins ;)
awesome germination rate. You must have some active seeds, I can't even get 50% germination out of mine, hell, most all of my superhots germinate better than those small tepins.
Thanks guys. I'm glad you like it. So far I've had an overwhelmingly positive response to both the logo and the name.
Nice plan, nice logo, and that's a hell of a lot of chiltepins! What is it 180 plants or so? Hope you have a BIG garden, in London, you'd be lucky to have a balcony or a roof garden! Good luck with the picking!
Dang Dustin...I'm with the other folks. You are going to be a picking fool! I had two Wild Brazils, three Pequins and one Tepin last year and it took hours...but was well worth it! Good luck, no better flavor out there, should make some wonderful sauce!
I figured I should provide an update, so here it is.

Current grow setup:

First Pepper:

All 216 plants are alive and well. They are all planted in 3.5 inch pots and growing very rapidly. I just bought bigger pots, but will only have room for 96 of them on my current setup. I'm not sure what to do with the others.