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choc0late sauce idea...and maybe a white question

so i make sauce out of my garden and kitchen....
last year was around 220 bottles.....this year looks like it could be more like 250 or more
my recipes tend to feature peppers in front, with more flavors to provide depth....all vinegar based...my basic Red gets 10-15 varieties of reds......a little of everything, from brain strains/primos/scorps to goat horn to afghani to cayenne and whatever else i grew this year lol.......i add some carrot, some garlic, last year saw about 5lbs of local wild cranberries added.....after blend and strain, pom juice and a little agave......
i try to use flavors to add depth without losing the peppers......
if i didn't tell you what was in there, there'd be a good chance you wouldn't guess
last year the chocolate sauce got sugar pumpkin and ginger, in addition to garlic and purple carrot and a little agave (i like a little sweet finish)......it was on the hotter end of my scale (thank you morugas).....probably could have used a little more pumpkin and ginger......but people really, really liked it.....
will be doing another chocolate batch this year, but want to switch it up.......
just wondering if anyone has done a chocolate sauce with bourbon? or even actual chocolate (thinking similar to a mole sauce)?
also wondering if anyone has done a white-based sauce, or has experience with whites in general.....i need to eat a couple to get the flavor profile in mind, but if anyone has used them before, or can think of something that would work with them (looking at how i make my sauces), that'd be great.....it seems like peppers tend to "taste like their colors" a little, and i roll with that......but please share your experiences 
I have two white sauces fermenting now.
Rocket Mans Theriac - http://thehotpepper.com/topic/42012-rocketmans-theriac

My own. Onion, Parsnips and lots of White habanero. Going to process it with some roasted garlic, and maybe pears. This will ferment for only 7-10 days.
tims77 said:
sweet, thanks.....i was thinking parsnips to stretch it a bit......lots of local garlic, some onion, and maybe rice wine vinegar sounds like the ticket for the white!
Try roasting the parsnip,onion,garlic for a nice hint of natural sweetness :)
oldsalty said:
Try roasting the parsnip,onion,garlic for a nice hint of natural sweetness :)
will do....all over this!
got the chocolate figured out.....trying for a mole-inspired sauce.....chocolate peppers, roasted onion & garlic, a little cinnamon, allspice, cumin....some raisins.....and after it is all blended and strained, a little mexican chocolate
tims77 said:
will do....all over this!
got the chocolate figured out.....trying for a mole-inspired sauce.....chocolate peppers, roasted onion & garlic, a little cinnamon, allspice, cumin....some raisins.....and after it is all blended and strained, a little mexican chocolate
Nice !!! t77 I think that sounds like a winner!!! Keep us posted my friend  :)
oldsalty said:
Nice !!! t77 I think that sounds like a winner!!! Keep us posted my friend   :)
this one will be a big hit or a big miss lol......i'll add the spices and the chocolate after blending/straining....so there will be a lot of tasting lol
i have a bunch of pods ripening on screens and about 30 plants hanging in the basement.....just ordered 330 bottles from fillmore containter, gotta get a new batch of labels printed
methinks production starts soon......might be able to do a peach and a white as early as next week