color chocolate BB7?

i saw pictures of a brown phenotype with the large bleeding calyx.....anybody have any hot tips on this? they couldn't be stable right? hopefully someone is stabilizing them because i need this in my collection.
Not sure what generation they're at but I've seen quite a few growing them this year and all have the brown bleeding calyx and all seem to have a similar shape. I'm not sure who the first one was to discover this. I've got 7 or 8 plants going but don't have many pods set yet or any with color. Don't have any seeds left or I'd send you a few. Really looking forward to this as BBG7s are one of my top favs
This is one of the rare occasions that I strongly prefer the red pods to the dark. For me, the appeal of the BBG7 is that contrasting colour scheme. The red just looks superb.

Still....I'll definitely grow it out, regardless.
Prodigal son and I had some plants last year that the chocolate/brown or whatever you want to call it showed up in. Can't say where his seeds came from but the 2 plants I had came from plants given to me that were supposed to 'elongated red bbg7" from pierman. From what I have seen so far prodigal ' s pods have a smooth texture and the 2 plants I had produced pods with some pimples/bumps and we're slightly longer in shape. I have a few f2 plants growing and gave seeds from the f1's I isolated to several people that are growing them out also in the f2 generation. So no these are not stable but I will continue to isolate flowers and see what happens while sharing them with the community.
I also have 3 plants growing from seed that I got from Seacowboy (Thanks, Jason!). Mine have a long way to go before ripening, but here is a pic of the elongated shape.

My seeds were from Seacowboy as well but through someone else. I thought Jason was one of the original sources but when I was looking up info all I saw was a review from Nigel were the one he reviewed came from PridigalSon. Now I know there are two sources
SavinaRed said:
I'm a chocoholic lol being very partial to the brown colored peppers  :)
Where is a Brown Savina when you need one. 
NO brown... but I habe

All my bbg browns from jason has struggled. .. I just got a few pods from romy6..and his and his are from prodigal... guessing if I grow his would be f2 or f3...
Also got the yellow bbg from Stephen
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
NO brown... but I habe
All my bbg browns from jason has struggled. .. I just got a few pods from romy6..and his and his are from prodigal... guessing if I grow his would be f2 or f3...Also got the yellow bbg from Stephen
My chocolate bubblegum's are doing awesome from the seed you sent
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
NO brown... but I habe
All my bbg browns from jason has struggled. .. I just got a few pods from romy6..and his and his are from prodigal... guessing if I grow his would be f2 or f3...Also got the yellow bbg from Stephen
Great looking pods, Denniz! Chocolate BBG7 was probably the hottest pod I tried last year. Have you tried a fresh pod of the yellow BBG7? How's the flavor on it? That's a huge wish list item for next season. I hope Ignite decides to release them this year.

moruga welder said:
you got to admit , the chocolate looks as sweet as the red !  
Don't get me wrong, you can't really get a bad result from the BBG7. It's the best thing going as far as crossing partners go right now. Still, I can't go past the reds for this one. Yellow on red...just works. 